Show the man in red who's more fierce Part 1

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Three days until I have to go to Beacon Academy, and that thought bothers me. I wouldn't mind if there was something to actually do.

I'm just trying to kill time in the few clubs I haven't been kicked out of yet. The drinks are fine, but the music is making my head throb. It's so loud I'm surprised that the cops haven't been called for a noise complaint yet.

The music suddenly stopped and the sight of a fully grown bouncer slid across the club's dance floor like a ragdoll.

Everyone froze at the sight of the man in a red coat that threw the fully grown bouncer like a paperweight.

"I'm looking for Herald." The man in red said in a loud, yet calm voice. His laid-back voice fits well with the look of his long, white, and barely kept hair.

Right as the man in red said who he was looking for, everybody in the club including the bouncers pointed towards a man jumping behind the bar counter, near where I was sitting.

"I'll get you anything if you get that guy out of here." the guy behind the counter stammered out. Presumably Herald.

"Anything, Who is this guy?" I said, wondering about the man in red. "I and a lot of club owners hear about the name 'Yang Xiao Long,' but this guy makes you look like a lightweight and his name is 'Dante."' Herald sheepishly stammered, thinking what he said would make angry.

Helping a lowlife is bad but... 'Anything' does sound good, plus I'm interested in fighting this guy now. "How about you run off scared and I won't hurt you, or don't and get beat by a girl." I walked up to Dante while only a few other people in the club started to leave.

When Dante made his way towards me, I saw he had some silver buttons and ornaments littering his long red coat. Most noticeably, he had a long silver talisman hanging from the top of the inside of his tailcoat to the bottom of it. The Talisman made a clinging sound every time he took a step with his overconfident stride.

We both stopped inches away from each other. I had to look up to see him face to face. He isn't such a bad looker. He's probably my age too. "Make me, little girl," Dante said in a cocky way while smirking. It's shame that I have to break him now.

I threw a right hook aimed towards Dante's jaw. He tilted his head back to avoid my fist. In retaliation, he pulled two handguns out from under his crimson jacket. one of them being black and the other being white.

I activated the weaponized gauntlets on my wrists to shoot the guns out of Dante's hands. I then shot behind my body and used the recoil of the gauntlet's shots to jet right towards him and slammed my fist into Dante's solar plexus, so hard that it knocked him off his feet.

"Neat move... For a girl." He said getting up while having his hand behind his back. "But I got you pretty good, huh?" I remarked, knowing I have this in the bag.

Dante raised his hand up in the air revealing what he was hiding behind his back. He had a lock of my hair in his hand and was showing it off to the people in the club who decided not to run away and watch our fight. I felt embarrassed when showed off my hair like a trophy. I felt myself get hot and ready to tear him in half.

He just merely blows the hair out his hand laughing, like it's nothing! Oh, but it's something now.

All of a sudden, a sword came crashing down through the skylight of the club with lighting following suit. "Are you ready?" Dante says, smugly. "I'm ready to kill you!" My voice erupts with building pressure, eventually exploding out of my throat.

As Dante pulled the sword that was embedded into the floor from its descent, He pointed his double-edged sword towards me.

"Then let's rock, baby!" Is all Dante could say before he was on his back heel as I bum-rushed him.

"Then let's rock, baby!" Is all Dante could say before he was on his back heel as I bum-rushed him

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Photoshop done by Jack-DD

"Let's rock, baby!" Male (Dante) Reader X Yang Xiao long - Part IWhere stories live. Discover now