Confront the Devil Boy and forgive him of his sins Part 3

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(Y/N) went back over to his desk and pulled out another handgun. "So I told you who I am. Get out now..." (Y/N) seemed to grin in an unsettling manner. "Or stay, I would like to see you try and cripple me." He said, angering me. "I could use a good laugh." Oh, now he's gonna get it.

"You're dead!" I yelled.

"Alright 'mama Yang.' Just don't spank me too hard." (Y/N) said laughing at me.

A tremendous amount of heat stirred up in my stomach. that heat then went to my arm, then shot to my fist, and finally, impacts on (Y/N)'s right cheek; making him soar to the other side of the room.

While in the air, (Y/N) grabbed a broken piece of wood form the doors I knocked down earlier. Stabbing the wood into the ground like a stake, (Y/N) did a full 180° turn, right towards me; firing his pistols he started to laugh and yell in excitement, almost like he was on a roller coaster.

I jumped out of the line of fire from his pistols. When I turned around to shoot projectiles from my gauntlets, he was gone.

Hearing(Y/N) cheering loudly again, I looked up finding where his voice came from. I then quickly rolled out of the way from (Y/N) rapidly spinning like a twister and shooting at where I was.

When (Y/N) landed, I quickly jumped over the desk inside of the office and kicked it over for makeshift cover.

(Y/N) started spraying the desk with bullet holes whilst walking closer and closer. Looking through one of the bullet holes and seeing where (Y/N) was, I got an idea.

When (Y/N) got close enough, I charged at him with the desk acting as a spearhead; (Y/N) landed on the ground with the desk itself the following suit, landing right on him.

I quickly landed on the desk to keep (Y/N) pinned to the floor. With his arms pinned under me and the table.
When I saw (Y/N)'s head is exposed, I couldn't help but smile.

The familiar amount of heat began to consume my body again; I then repeatedly started to slam (Y/n)'s head with my fists. "what's the matter, is this a pain in the 'desk' for you!?" To male even nastier, my gauntlets started to discharge along with each hammer fist landed on the (Y/N)'s cranium. I stopped so I could see his scared little eyes and make him beg for mercy.

I see (Y/N) smirk, shocking me. "that's a cute pun," he said calmly, mocking me. The desk suddenly broke in half; the bullet holes in addition to my weight being the reason. "just like you." This left (Y/N) with enough room to slip away from me straddling him.

While grabbing my hair, he kicked me into the air at a high velocity sending me into the room's ceiling. Balling my fist up, fire consumed my fist as I launched off of the ceiling to come down to the floor like a small meteor with fire exploding out from my body.

The impact of my fist slamming the floor had (Y/N) fell onto his. He got up promptly with a hand behind his back. "Scratch that last part," (Y/N) giggled like an idiot, "You'd be really cute if you weren't having such a bad hair day." He then revealed what was behind his back and showed another strand of my golden hair from his hand, and continued to laugh at me.

I felt myself catch on fire. With the room the following suit. "Now that's what I'm talking about." (Y/N) snickered, while tossing his guns to the side.

With one mighty flash of lighting,     (Y/N) turned back into that horrible creature from earlier. He flapped his wings so fast that it extinguished the fire around me and him... But I was still fired up!

(Y/N) flew towards me and started throwing a flurry of punches followed by lighting after each strike. In return, I started to swing my fists with the same amount of force; along with streaks of fire trailing behind my fists. Each of our strikes caused flashes of light that would blind any onlooker that mistook it as an intense light show.

After what feels like minutes of dishing out pain, while also receiving it. MY arms where arms getting heavy along with my lungs feeling overworked. I could also tell that (Y/N) is getting tired by how much slower he was getting.

With one final punch; me and (Y/N)'s legs gave out as he came back to his human image. We collided with each other; chest to chest we slowly went towards the ground. We both land on our knees; leaning on each other so we don't collapse entirely.

Being totally exhausted, I rested my head on (Y/N)'s shoulder; with (Y/N) the following suit.

The rest of my body went stiff. With my eyes getting heavier and heavier...


I saw a shadow being illuminated by the sunlight, creeping in from the broken doors.

It's Herald and the smile on his face said he's happy. "Nice job, 'Blondie.' You really went all out on him." Herald exclaimed; kicking (Y/N)'s unconscious body.

"I'll pay you another time. Now get out of here; I have some business right now." After the Herald said that; two bouncers form Herald's club helped back on my feet.

I pushed the bouncers away from myself and stumbled back onto my bike. I look back at (Y/N)'s immobile body on the floor. I zoom off with a thought on my mind, 'what's herald going to do with him?'

I need to get home anyways; well my dad would get angry if I told him I let someone killed. And (Y/N) did catch me after fighting in the club, didn't he? He could've killed me, but he didn't.

This better is worth it. I turned around and stopped in front of (Y/N)'s business. "I would knock, but there are no doors!" I yelled getting the attention of a room filled with bouncers; along with Herald's dissatisfied glare.

"Get out now!" Herald screamed while pointing at me; I saw two necklaces in his hand.

Both of the amulets had a red center, but they both had contrary colors on their borders. On being silver and the other being gold.

All the bouncers in the room went in front of me, forming a wall. "Move it, little girl," said a bouncer, with a busted nose. He looked familiar.

"Or what?" I shot back, placing a hand on my hip."'Or' you're gonna lose something!" We stood there in silence...

"Hey, hey, put me down!" The bouncer begged and screamed as I picked him up and throw him towards the other bouncers.

When all of the other bouncers fell down like dominoes; I sprinted towards Herald; while He screamed. "Wait, wait, WAIT!" I punched him in the jaw with such a force; he launched through the wall behind him.

I walked over to (Y/N) and shook him. "Get up, You're better than this!" (Y/N) fluttered his eyes open. He slowly got up and lightly pushed me away. He walked over to where his red coat was and put it on.

"Well?" I said towards (Y/N), while he was holstering his side arms. "Well, what?" He muttered under his breathe. "Well!?" I yelled wanting a 'thank you.' How thick is his head?

"A 'thank you' would nice," I said, while (Y/N) was stumbling towards two swords on a wall; one being from our the last encounter, and the other looking like an antique. "Oh thanks, I guess." He said, picking the sword from our last fight. while slowly walking towards the front door; some groans came from the bouncers he was stepping on.

I blocked (Y/N) from leaving the area. "'I guess!?'" Those words erupted from my lungs. "I save you and; 'thanks I guess.'" I said imitating him.

"So what? I could've handled it." (Y/N) said trying to push past me; he fell due to exhaustion. Before (Y/N) hit the floor; I caught him. "Don't say you fell for me?" I said mocking him.

"Let go of me!" (Y/N) protested. "You're obviously hurt," I said, while my arms shook; trying to hold him up. "Let's get out of here before they get back up," I said, pointing towards the bouncers on the floor.

I dragged (Y/N) towards the bike. "Wait I need to-" I cut him off.

"Not enough time." I got on the bike with (Y/N); forcing him to hold on to me from the back of the bike. (Y/N) then bitterly muttered, "Fine... This better is worth it."

As we drove to an old hideout of mine, I heard (Y/N)'s talisman jingle as we tore through the streets of Vale.

"Let's rock, baby!" Male (Dante) Reader X Yang Xiao long - Part IWhere stories live. Discover now