Show Goldilocks To A Good Breakfast Part 5

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"Mom, don't leave me." My arms tightly grasp what's left of my mother.

The amulet hanging around my mother's neck caught my attention. I took it as ran away with her sword.

I tried to escape my village as it was on fire. I tried not to look back. I tried to survive. but still to this day, I can't help but not look back.

"To this day, this dream still haunts you. It will chase you even if I were to go to the four corners of this world..." A woman's voice rung through my head. I knew who it was...

...Yang's steel grip woke me up as I shot up from my dream. A few minutes slowly went by as I tried to pry her arms from my abdomen.

As much as I struggled in vain, I kinda liked being held by her. It felt comforting when she did it. I could honestly fall asleep again knowing she was there.

I saw that the alarm clock read 3:34 AM. I would usually toss and turn trying to go back to sleep every single night I had that dream. But since the sleeping beauty, herself is clutching onto me like her life depended on it, I didn't have any troubles sleeping at all.

I smiled while I laid my head back down onto the hotels lavishly made pillow. As my eyes grew heavier and heavier. I embraced a sight I've never seen before while sleeping. Nothing. Nothing at all and I like it that way.


"Wake up..." A feminine voice faintly called out. "Wake up..." My body started to move around. "Rise and shine!" In a sudden movement, someone had sent me tumbling onto the hotel floor room.

"Not a morning person are you?" Yang picked me up and shook me so fast I felt my brain bounce around my cranium.

My hand shoved Yang away from myself as I went to pick up my sword.

"Why don't we get breakfast first?" A hand landed on my shoulder. A sigh followed by a yawn escaped my lips.


As Yang and I walked to the Restaurant of the hotel/casino amalgamation, a question came to mind, "why did you bring me here?"

"So we could get a good night sleep."

My hand had planted itself onto my forehead. "Let me put this bluntly. Why did you save?"

As we sat down at one of the Restaurant's booths Yang replied with, "one of life's mysteries."

Before I could chastise Yang for her stupid answer, one of the waiters came up to take orders. I ordered a strawberry sundae.

"Oh man, that's a hardcore meal for the big boy!" Yang took a napkin and placed it in my shirt making it hang a little. "Heres a napkin for the big boy."

"I'm not a-"

"Of course your not a baby, you're a big boy." I slammed my fist into the booth's table, making it shake a bit.

"Calm down, I was joking," Yang said that, but she was still laughing her ass off.

"I'm still considering ripping your head off..." I leaned back (while snickering) into my booth and kicked both of my boots up onto its table. "...or should I rip out your hair?"

"Don't touch my hair!" Yang's eyes grew red. "Doesn't feel so good, now does it?"

Yang grew silent, while I asked her, "Why did you save me?"

"That's a stupid question." Yang simply muttered.

"And you gave me a stupid answer."

Yang looked me in the eyes with her own sorry looking ones. "I want to become a huntress. And huntresses have responsibilities to save people, ya know?"

"Yeah, I don't know anything about that." I looked away from Yang.

"How so?"

"I want to be someone heroic but..." I trailed off a bit.

"Use your words." Yang tried to encourage me by sounding optimistic.

A smile started to take over my facial expression. "No buts, I'll try to do better and take my own responsibilities into account."

"And for my first act, I'll tip the waiter." Mine and Yangs eyes interlocked with each other.

"Think you'll need some help?" Yang leaned in closer to me.

As both our orders came in, I replied to Yang, "sure, I'd love that."

"Let's rock, baby!" Male (Dante) Reader X Yang Xiao long - Part IWhere stories live. Discover now