Confront the father's sins Part 6

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After gulping down his sundae breakfast, (Y/N) slapped down money for our meal."We need to stop Herald." (Y/N) got up from the booth. "Look, I know those amulets are yours, but maybe it's not worth the trouble." I followed (Y/N) out the door.

"When I was younger, my mother disappeared and tried looking for her. Then one day when I tried to found her, I almost got me and my sister killed." (Y/N) stopped dead in his tracks and I bumped into his back.

"I don't think you get it." (Y/N) turned around and intensely stared into my eyes. "When I was younger, my father disappeared and my brother ran away from home looking for him." (Y/N) and I walked up to my bike. "On the night before my mother was slaughtered. She told me to never be like my father. At the time I thought she was just aggravated, but since my brother was killed for trying to be like my father. I realized that she was right and need to make sure that no one will end up like him."

"Now, I get to drive." (Y/N) jumped on my bike and started to throttle it. "No, you don't." I tried to rip (Y/N) from the bike.

"Hey, I'm about to work hard. So I get to play hard." (Y/N) my hands away from himself.

I sighed a little, "just don't scratch it." And with that, I hopped on the bike behind (Y/N), and held on for dear life as he did stunts that would make evil Kenevil shit his pants.

"You're never driving again." I weakly stumbled as my stomach felt sick. "You know you liked it."

(Y/N) and I walked up to a bouncer in the back alley of Herald's club. Needless to say, I liked the look on his face when he saw us.

"Yeah I threw out Dante; then the next day I roughed up him and Yang. You should have seen the look on their faces when I chased them off from Herald." The bouncer needlessly gloated, while trying to speak through a busted nose and lip.

It seemed like the bouncer was trying to impress a lady from the club. "Then who's right behind you!?" The lady sneered at him.

Right on cue; when the bouncer turned around, (Y/N) shot at the bouncer's feet, Missing by an inch. "Hey, Tony!" (Y/N) greeted in a mocking tone.

When "Tony" the bouncer saw (Y/N); Tony instantly sprinted in the opposite direction of (Y/N) and right towards me. I clotheslined Tony, effectively stopping him. "Hey, there big boy!" I giggled. The look on his face was hysterical.

I forcefully picked Tony up by the collar and threw him towards (Y/N). (Y/N) stopped him by putting his hand out; with the other, he pulled a white pistol.

"You might wanna leave, lady." With those words being spoken by (Y/N), the woman that Tony was trying to impress, left without a word.

"I want some information." (Y/N) shot near Tony's feet. "What do you want!?" Tony said, with a bead of sweat going down his forehead; almost whimpering.

(Y/N) smirked. "Anything really." He then started shooting his gun rapidly at Tony's feet; making hip-hop in place. "Herald's in his office!" Tony screamed out loud.

"Alright..." (Y/N) stopped firing. He then grinned, laughing a little. "Not good enough." (Y/N) then pulled out his other handgun, and started to increase his fire rate.

Tony was yelling and begging (Y/N) to stop. "Alright Tony, one more question for you. What makes you think you can go and lie about me and my friend?" (Y/N) calmly stated.

"What!?" Tony yelled while hopping place even faster. "Here's a new rumor for you: 'mess one of us, you mess with both of us.' got that?" (Y/N) said, glaring at Tony.

"I do!" Tony said in a pleading tone. (Y/N) stopped firing. "Good." (Y/N) then pushed tony away. "Hey, Yang?" (Y/N) questioned me. "Yeah?" I said curiously. "Remember that time I threw Tony out?" (Y/N) said smirking. Getting the same look on my face, I responded: "then the next day we roughed him up." (Y/N) then pulled out his sword; a mere inch away from Tony's face. "Correct?" (Y/N) questioned Tony. With tony responding with: "yes." "Damn straight." (Y/N) stated, while putting the sword on his back.

"Let's rock, baby!" Male (Dante) Reader X Yang Xiao long - Part IWhere stories live. Discover now