Chapter Eight

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When we got home that night Bella rushed upstairs making making me worried. I walk up to her room and knock, I opened the door and saw her on her computer. When she heard she quickly covered her screen.

"What are you looking at?" I asked her.

"Nothing." She said quickly.

I frowned, "it's not porn, is it?" I asked with a smirk.

She went red, "No! Of course not, you...your...ugh Your so annoying!" She said making me laugh.

"Ok, ok, what are you actually looking at?" I had a feeling I knew but I had to act clueless.

"I was just looking at an email mum sent me, she said some...embarrassing things." She shrugged.

"Oh yeah, like what?" I pushed.

"Omg stop, go away." I chuckled as she pushed me out of her room. I walked into my room and saw my plants were getting a lot bigger.

"I need a greenhouse or some shit." I told myself.


The next day I watched the sun rise instead of it hiding behind the clouds which was a first since Bella and I moved here. I sighed when I read the time and made my way downstairs to see dad was still home and reading the newspaper while drinking his coffee at the table, a true sight for a father in his late forties to be doing.

I coughed to catch his attention but also make it seem as if I had come down with something, "Hey dad, I don't feel well. Can I stay home?" I asked while trying to make myself look as sick as possible.

The man sighed, he could never say no to his two daughter, "Alright, but your going tomorrow." He told me pointing a finger my way, I smiled and hugged him before going back upstairs. I didn't know what to do for the rest of the day, I couldn't go outside for obvious reasons.

I groaned and fell back onto my bed, I stared up at the ceiling and watched the specs of dust float by in wonder and also boredom.

Bella and dad left not long ago, I was stuck in my house and it was completely silent. I don't know how long I lay on my bed for, probably a good hour or so. When I heard a bang downstairs I sat up quickly with a start. Who could be downstairs? How could I not have heard them? I got up and sneaked down the hallway. The stairs faced the front door so whoever was in the living room or kitchen wouldn't see me.

I walked down silently, there was a creak from the floorboards. I jumped out from behind the wall with my hands raised, ready to fight whoever had intruded into my home and ready to defend it.

I glared at the person once I saw their face, I put down my fists and huffed in annoyance, "What the hell?! What is with people sneaking into my house?" I shout at the intruder.

"I'm sorry, I had to see you." The person I know knew to be Alice Cullen told me looking shocked from my sudden appearance.

"Why did you break into my house?" I asked, crossing my arms and tapping my foot as to show I was getting inpatient with her.

She sighed, "like I said, I had to see you. You can't ignore us forever, Violet." She was determined to tell me what she had to say but I wasn't having any of it.

I growled and walked towards the front door, "watch me." I opened the door forcefully, "now get out."

She shook her head with a determined expression, "no, we deserve to see you." She too crossed her arms.

"Not without my say, you don't." I argued and glared at the girl in front of me, my hand stayed on the open door waiting for her to get out of my house.

"Then just tell me." Alice stepped forward, her eyes pleading for an answer, "why can't I see you in my visions?" Her voice rising towards the end to show me she was angry and frustrated.

I shrugged, "I don't know, alright." I ran my hands through my hair getting more annoyed.

"Does it have something to do with those...mutts?" She sneered in disgust and I was furious she even brought them up.

"Don't call them that!" I yelled, pointing my finger accusingly at her.

"That's it then?! Those mutts. That Jacob guy, he's your mate, isn't he?" She was upset now and I could feel it as much as I hated to admit.

"No, he's not. He hasn't even shifted yet." I tried to calm her down putting my hands up.

She shook her head, "but it can still happen, can't it?" I didn't answer making her angry, "Can't it?!" She yelled

This wasn't like her, I don't know how but I knew it wasn't. I made her act like this. I sighed, not knowing what to say, "I don't know." I looked down as she stormed past me.

"Fine, you won't have to see us again." She slammed the door behind her and left, I closed my eyes trying to calm myself and stop myself from going after her. This was for the best, they wouldn't get hurt by me. By their own mate.

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