Chapter Nine

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Bella decided to go with Ange and Jess to Port Angeles for whatever reason so I was left alone for even longer. I still couldn't get me and Alice's argument out of my head, 'fine, you won't have to see us again.' What did she mean? That they were moving? Or that we would just ignore each other at school?

I decided to go out for hunt since it's been a few days. I pulled my jersey on and jumped out my window. Hunting would clear my head, hopefully. I ran through the tree's, chasing after a deer. I tackled it to the ground and drained it. I looked up catching a glimpse of blonde hair racing through the trees, I shook it off and kept hunting. Running further into the forest I saw the blonde headed figure again which made me stop in my tracks. I looked in every direction but saw nothing. I sighed, now I'm losing my mind.

I jumped when someone suddenly appeared in front of me at lightning speed, "Rosalie?" I frowned with surprise and confusion, "what are you doing here?" I asked.

"Why did you hurt Alice?" She ignored my question and glared a me. I didn't respond, "she won't tell us what happened." She went on.

I rolled my eyes childishly and crossed my arms, "why don't you get Edward to just read her thoughts?" I spoke, sneering at her.

She sighed, "I know your trying to protect us from yourself but you know we can't stay away. Stop pushing us back, its not helping anyone." I knew she was right but I couldn't tell her that, I was too stubborn but also thinking I was protecting them.

"It's helping you not get hurt." I reasoned, not letting my guard down.

"Stop that! Were not gonna get hurt. We can take care of ourselves. What's so dangerous about you, I see you can control yourself just fine." She argued.

"I don't want another fight." I turned to walk in the other direction but she caught my arm, she spun me around our faces inches apart.

"Then just accept us." She pleaded. I looked down into her eyes.

"I can't." I simply said. I saw her hope was slipping, I was going to hurt her either way, wasn't I?

"Why not?" Another voice spoke. Emmett walked out from behind a tree.

"How much of that did you hear?" I asked skeptically.

"Enough to know you don't care for us like we care for you." He answered.

"I never said I didn't care for you. I'm doing this because I care for you." I told him.

Emmett scoffed, "that's bullshit and you know it." I frowned with confusion, "if you did you would accept us, you wouldn't have yelled at Alice and you would be with us."

I closed my eyes and hung my head low, "You know it's not like that."

"Take a chance once in your life, Violet." Emmett said. I sighed and thought about it, what's the worse that can happen?


The next was back to its normal cloudy skies thankfully. I knew Bella knew about the Cullen's, she was going to talk to Edward about it at school, he better not hurt her.

 I knew Bella knew about the Cullen's, she was going to talk to Edward about it at school, he better not hurt her

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I grabbed a jersey and waited for Bella to get ready downstairs. "Come on Bella, were gonna be late!" I called.

I heard rush down but tripped on the last step, I instantly caught before she hit the ground, "thanks." She said.

"Be careful next time, Bells." I laughed, she rolled her eyes and I followed her to the truck.

When we got to school Bella immediately walked towards the woods after making eye contact with Edward, he better not blow my cover, that idiot.

I walked into the building and over to my class.


After school I went to the hospital to see Carlisle at work. I walked up to the reception desk, "hello, I'm wondering where Dr Cullen's office is." I said to the woman.

She glared at me obviously jealousy, thinking I'm going to steal 'her man', ha! Hilarious. "Down that hall, third door on the right." She told me. I nodded and made my way to it. I opened the door without knocking and walked in. He never knocks when he comes into my room so why should knock in his office?

"What are you doing here, Violet?" He asked from his desk.

"Good to see you too, brother." He chuckled.

"Yes hello, now what do you need?" He asked again. I sat on a chair opposite him and sighed.

"Bella's figured it out." He nodded.

"Yes, it has become apparent that she would." He answered.

"What have you told your kids about me?" I asked, "do they know that we know each other?"

He shook his head, "no, they know nothing about you except that your a vampire. Have you spoken to them lately." This was like a damn therapist session.

"Yes, I...upset Alice and talked to Rosalie and Emmett." I told him.

"Alice has not been herself lately. You need to patch things up with her." He stood up and gathered some of his things.

"What are you? My mother?" I asked, he shook his head.

"Please, for her sake." I groaned.

"Fine." I couldn't face her right now after what happened, it was too much. But I would at least try.

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