Teaser ~ In Medias Res

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Memories, traditions of old and new had been eradicated without a single thought. A world that had been crafted by your ancestors for thousands of years had been erased in the blink of an eye, no memory or gravestone to remain of those that had been taken along with it. But here you remained, their tribute, the only living fragment of a universe that had simply been deleted, erased from all histories of time and space.

The world around you was serene, an infinite sea of white that bore neither sky nor ground, without wall or floor. There was nothing here, nothing lived in this white world. Was this the afterlife? Was this where you were destined to spent the rest of eternity before time itself died and burned everything with it?

You remembered bitterly of life in your village, songs and festivities to honor false gods and sing of the better realm to come. But there were no gods, everything had been wrong, wrong, wrong! Or were there gods and this was a show for them, watching the condemned souls of mortals be driven to insanity in this void? If that was true, than you would not please them, allow them the satisfaction of winning.

But you hadn't died, that was one thing you were sure of. You remembered clearly running out in the meadow with your brothers and sisters, dancing away to the music that thrummed within the heart of the village as the Elders prepared to offer a blood sacrifice to the gods in hopes of a bountiful harvest this coming autumn. But then the music had stopped, the laughter from your lips was cut short and you felt confused and eventually grew afraid. You had looked over to your siblings to see what they were making of this only to discover that the field of flowers and grass had vanished too along with the music, leaving you the only survivor.

I'm alone, you thought to yourself. I'm alone and very afraid.

Surely you could not be the only one left? Perhaps this was all a dream and you and your family would laugh with it in the waking hours of the morn. But as time continued to stretch onwards into infnity, you fears and troubles grew.

You were walking without a sense of direction or purpose, afraid of what you wouldn't find, more than what you would. You were afraid of the worst, that you remained the only survivor of whatever catastrophe had ripped away the very fabrics of your universe, destroyed the small village you had grown up in.

"Shea?" You finally mustered up the courage to shout, convinced that nothing was around to hear you. "Mya? Ren?" You rattled off the names of your siblings, pausing after each name hoping to see them running towards you, arms outstretched, some hope for normalcy.

But when no one came did you sink to your knees, tears blurring your vision. What had caused this? You had paid your penance to the gods every festival, sacrificed more than your siblings and parents, even giving up your pet goat in hopes that the gods would give your father a better harvest than the meagar amount produced last year.

You were even set to be betrothed to the chief's son, which was considered to be an honor above all others in the eyes of the gods. After all you had done, was this how they were to reward you? Were you to exist until the end of time while your friends and family were given sweet release? What sort of reward was this, sitting forever in a white room without end and definition?

Your heart caught in your throat a minute later, seeing at last a small speck in the distance. Convinced that your mind was playing tricks on you, the first symptom of insanity from isolation and despair, you tentatively approached the object, afraid of what you might find and what you might learn. What if your universe was truly gone, destroyed by the hands of your gods?

Or what if it was something else, something more? There was something else at work here, you could feel it through the very hum of this world. There was much suffering here, secrets that seemed to be hidden everywhere in the realm of nowhere.

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