1. Faces

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Chapters are released every day starting from May 1st and onwards.

"Now what do we have here?"

You hated everything about the skeleton in front of you, the way his knowing smile seemed to pick you apart piece by piece, knowing that he had the full and complete upper hand of the situation and you were forever subjected to his mercy. "What are you doing so far away from home?" he continued, leaning in closer. The blue strings wrapped around your ankles and torso tightened, forcing the air from your lungs.

"That's enough Error," the second skeleton snapped, flicking his wrist and releasing the strings. This wasn't much of a relief however, because you plummeted in a twenty foot drop to the ground below, possibly shattering your rib cage in the process. "But of course, you do pose an interesting question." The skeleton was still staring at you. Unlike Error, he was clad in a much brighter appearance, a paintbrush slung across his back, several vials of glowing paint tucked in a sash across his chest. "How did you find yourself here?"

It became apparent that both of these skeletons would be willing to kill you in a heartbeat if you said the wrong thing. They must think I'm a spy, you realised, taking a tentative step backwards. Where was there to run? The Void was an endless plain of white with nowhere to run and nowhere to hide, making you an open target should you make a run for it. What other option was there but then to tell the truth?

"My universe," you explained, the words falling from your tongue faster than you could recall. "Everything was going as normal, you know, the way universes normally function, when suddenly it wasn't." Your voice caught in your throat and you said no more. The wounds of the recent trauma were still fresh no matter how many times you tried to bury them, recalling your memories was pulling the scab and you were bleeding all over again.

"That's doesn't explain why you're here," Error growled, tilting your chin upwards so that your eyes met with his. For the first time you truly caught the insanity that ravaged there, the small glimpse into the skeleton's consciousness, how destroyed and beyond repair it was. You shuddered at the thought of even being near him, wondering how Error could still talk and function with such a disease in his mind, how he wasn't a drooling mess all over the place. And what exactly had made him like that?

"I-I don't understand," you stammered and looked over at Ink, hoping that he had a better explanation. You felt safer around Ink than the demented skeleton that held you hostage with his blue strings, then again, all creations felt safer around their protector and not at the hands of their destroyer. "My universe is gone, in the blink of an eye it vanished. That's all I know."

"What Error means," Ink snapped, looking at the black skeleton with a gaze that spoke of such hidden ferocity that it made your very blood run cold, "is that when most universes expire, or delete in a case such as yours, everyone terminates. There aren't any survivors, no one gets stranded in the Void. So it is very unusual that you are the exception, why you were able to live while others couldn't."

"Live?" It was more of a statement than it was a question. "What do you mean I lived, and they didn't? My friends, family, they're still alive!" You thrashed against the blue strings that held you prisoner but to no avail.

"I'm sorry human, but they aren't," Ink whispered, his voice laced with genuine sympathy. You wondered if he had gone through the same as you, left all alone in the Void without anyone to run to without a world or home to call his own. Your eyes flickered to Error who said nothing, who seemed to be lost in thoughts of his own, dwelling of memories long forgotten. Maybe you weren't the only one who had gone through this.

But the thought of never seeing your family or friends ago was deafening, all resolve, all determination drained from your very will. What was the point in living if there was nothing to live for? Best to die than to keep pushing, when there wasn't anything to push against.

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