5. Just an Echo

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"So if you don't mind me asking," Geno began, looking rather on edge. "We usually don't get a lot of humans around these parts, it's usually just us skeletons since we're all... linked, I guess you could say. But you're new, why is that?"

Your eyes flickered to Error who had fixated himself in a corner of the makeshift camp that had been set up by Ink's dwindling forces. He seemed fixated on playing some sort of imaginary game with his puppets. You had learned that there was some battle that had occurred a few hours back, during which Ink had been captured and Lust unfortunately being killed. Though you weren't complaining about that, given the stories G often told.

"My universe," you explained. "it randomly disappeared. I found myself in the Void and that's where I met Ink and Error. They said the same thing happened to them, where they used to be in timelines of their own before it collapsed in on itself and threw them here."

"I'm sorry for your loss."

"They're not dead," you snapped, your voice going suddenly cold. Before Geno could formulate a response you were already walking away, not knowing whether to apologise or leave it alone. "Why does everyone keep saying that?" you asked, sitting down next to Error. "They're alive, I know it."

"You keep telling yourself that," Error muttered, narrowing his eyes in concentration as he played with some skeleton puppet clad in a red jacket and pointed teeth. "But Blueberry," he whispered under his breath, suddenly oblivious to the fact that you were still within earshot. "I love you!" You forced back laughter as Error continued to play with his two puppets - one being the skeleton you assumed was named Blueberry and the other puppet the skeleton with the red jacket and filed teeth. It seemed that he was shipping the two of them together?

"But Edgy MC Romance, I love you!" Error had the Blueberry puppet wail, kneeling before the emo skeleton puppet's feet.

"But you are in love with another." Error's voice shifted to a deeper tone, trying to imitate the gruff voice of the Edgy MC Romance skeleton. "Your heart belongs to Ink, Blueberry, and you are supposed to marry him tomorrow. If we run off together, it could mean war for all the other AU's."

"But Edgy!" The Blueberry puppet clung onto Edgy's jacket. Error's eyes narrowed in concentration as he continued with the play. "Let us run away together! If war is the price it must take for us to be together, than so be it!"

"Is that so?"

Error conjured a blue string, raising another puppet that he had made which resembled Ink in every likeness. "Blueberry, are you cheating on me?"

What a scandal, you thought, watching silently and doing all you could to refrain from laughter.

Error's voice went up an octave, unnatural compared to his usual gruff and glitched voice that you had grown accustomed to. "Ink!" The Blueberry puppet exclaimed. "I can explain! Edgy is secretly our child, I mean isn't it obvious! He's an emo angsty teenager, he even has your eyes!"

The Ink puppet looked at the Edgy puppet thoughtfully. "You're right," the puppet nodded in agreement. The Edgy puppet trembled in outrage, Error swinging his hand wildly to mimick the emotion.

"You said you loved me!" Edgy wailed and began to throw himself onto Ink. "I will avenge my love!" The emo skeleton puppet tore out stuffing and yarn, a very brutal and bloody scene. The play ended with Ink's mangled puppet corpse on the floor, missing several limbs and an eye.

Error seemed pleased with this and stuffed the puppets back into his pockets before jumping upon realising you were still watching him. "That was certainly interesting," you remarked, smirk only growing as Error shook with an unknown fury. "Blueberry and Edgy? Those seem to be very peculiar names."

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