21. It Rains in Hell

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So if you are confused, when Gaster hit the Overwrite button before he died, he rewrote [Y/N]'s code and made them into the X-Event. The X-Event is basically the term used to describe a person who has control over the Overwrite button and has the power to create and alter the codings of different worlds.

It seemed that all life would end here for no victory was in sight, not ever, nothing would ever live again in this world of white and silence. Error was all that remained, after all, wasn't that what he had wanted? To destroy all the universes until he alone remained with the exception of the main timeline? It wasn't until now Error realised how much he missed it all, the noise, the constant clamour of thigns. Even if it had been a nuiscance, at least there was a song always playing in the Void. Now there was nothing.

The creatures of hate seemed to watch Error for a moment, deciding on whether or not to erase him from existence. "What are you waiting for!" The anomaly screeched, looking at the twitching form of the human beside him. Whatever Gaster had done to them, he didn't want to be around much longer to find out. "Isn't this what you wanted, to kill us all? Well now's your chance, damn you!"

One creature moved forward and took shape, Error recoiling from the sight. It was him, the glimpse into his old self from his dead world, clad in glasses and a lab coat. Those had been simpler times, or at least it seemed, he didn't remember much of anything these days.

"You don't remember me," the demon rasped, swaying from side to side. "But I am all that is left of your deleted world, the hate from our universe. You used to look like this, I saw you from time to time in the eyes of the human that created me. And how much hate they felt for you, all those times you struck them down in the Judgement Hall, how we would be one step closer to the brink only to be pushed away again. But alas, those are memories that belong to the dead and we can only continue, can we not? There are bigger things at hand."

"Bigger things," the other hate creatures agreed.

"Ink's reign is over," the hate creature from Error's dead world continued. "It was seen with the destruction of everything that was ever known or created. The balance has shifted and the universe starts anew with a fresh cycle of characters, new sides to each part of the balance. Should you survive your battle with the human, should you undo whatever effects Gaster has done to them, then it will fall upon the shoulders of both of you to restart the cycle, to bring back the ghosts of the dead.

"We do not wish to see the universe's demise, our only job is to clean up the anomalies left behind. That is our true purpose, but without anything to ever exist again, than what is the point of our being? We cannot live off the corpses of the dead worlds, we can only thrive with life as that is the nature of hate."

"Dead," the others chanted and then dissolved into pools of black liquid, cackling as they jumped through the Void and vanished from view. Error narrowed his eyes as the damned things disappeared and turned back to behold the trembling form of [Y/N]. staring at the ground as muffled whimpers escaped their lips like the groans of a dying animal, whatever Gaster had done to their mind slowly taking its toll.

And then the eyes of the human flew open, [E/C] orbs that seemed to stare into the world they could not see. The eyes seemed to drift for a moment before falling upon Error, the beginnings of a sadistic smile playing on their features. "He told me to kill you," [Y/N] whispered, swaying slightly. "When the hate took him, Gaster said that it was my job to make sure that I finished what he had started. And I'm going to do as he said, a good servant always follows what their master tells them to do.

"Unlike you Error, the one who rebelled against our creator and destroyed his perfect world. But I will fix that for Gaster has made me anew. I am the X-Event now, do you understand? I am the one that will create Gaster's perfect world and make sure that none can rebel or think for themselves, I will make sure that there is one universe and one universe only. Everything will be as it should."

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