12. Until the Sun Goes Down

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The knife.

It was the extension of your arm, the second half to your soul, the other half of your everything. Without it you were empty, devoid of all life and purpose for what was one without their soul? But yet the memory of the knife stirred something inside you, memories so foul and so rotten that it moved your inner core, disgusted by the very presence of the weapon.

Because you had killed them all, hadn't you? Every creature in the Underfell timeline was now a rotting pile of dust and ash that would never walk again for no human lived to reset the world and start anew. And you had been the cause of that, the very reason that that the universe would never again exist. And hadn't you been the one to insist to Error that it every living thing had a purpose, a right to live no matter how small and insignificant you deemed them as? Everything was important and everything had the need and will to live.

But an entire timeline was gone, faded, destroyed from existence just as your very world had been.So what more was there to do, what more was there to say?

You woke surrounded by Error, Fresh and Geno, Reaper somewhere else. There were the faces you had never wanted to see, never wanted to look in the eyes again. Maybe it had been a demented version of yourself, corrupted through Nightmare's soul weapon that absorbed a partiality of your soul and forced you into the murder spree, but it had still been you. Your hand was the hand to grab the knife, fingers that wrapped around the hilt and slammed the blade into G's chest, stabbing and slashing even when he was nothing more than a pile of ash...

"It's good to see you my ham slice," Fresh nodded as you slowly drifted back into reality. You had flitted in and out of consciousness ever since your brief battle with Error, not knowing exactly what had happened during that time and why you suddenly felt whole again. The way that Error avoided eye contact every time you attempted to talk with him was another indication that he had done something irreversible, somethign that could never be fixed.

"Nice to see you," you replied to Fresh, forcing a smile. It seemed that Fresh was the most ecstatic of the bunch, Geno and Error lost in their own thoughts. You couldn't blame Geno for his behaviour, you would be hesitant to trust anyone if they had gone on a sadistic killing spree and wiped an entire universe from existence. That made it sort of hard to trust someone.

"So is your soul fixed then?" Geno piped in, looking at your curiously. Error seemed to freeze, not prepared for what would come next.

When you brought your soul into display, the sight was horrifying. It was complete in every way imaginable, no longer missing a chunk as it had been hours ago. But in the once empty place was a distinct black half, glitched and ebony as the nighttime sky. Your jaw clenched at the sight, learning immediately what had transpired during your brief coma that freed you froom the temptation of the blade.

"Error," you snarled, standing up and pushing past Fresh and Geno, ignoring the quizzical looks shot your way. You grabbed the sleeve of the comedian and dragged him from the group, anger and gratitude melding all at once. "What the hell?" You gestured to the glitched portion of your soul. "And don't say that you weren't behind it, that you didn't do this."

"I did what had to be done," the comedian shrugged before bringing his own soul into view. It resembled in full a glitched and ebony black soul, showing no indication that the two of you shared half a soul. "Besides, when you die I can just get it back before it expires, it's a temporary win win."

"What happened to the other half of my soul?" It was the only question that left your lips, so many threatening to spill over at once.

"Human souls are a bit more complex than monster souls, so even if your soul has reached a stable state thanks to the contribution of yours truly, they won't meld completely, so the two individual identities stand out. As for monster souls, when I added the bit of yours to my missing half, it blended entirely, mostly because the souls of monsters are more boring and less complex." Error shrugged, not entirely caring of the severity of his actions.

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