3. That Look

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~ It's Raining Somewhere Else ~

Nothing stood in his way.

Soon the universes would learn that Nightmare was their true protector, their true lord and god that could destroy entire worlds in the blink of an eye. It was amusing, he reflected, how the universes often reveled in the bravery and prowress of their creator Ink in the way he was able to combat any threat, any disease that threatened to plague the universe with a mere swipe of his paintbrush. But where did the artist stand now with his mighty brush and ink, where was he to stop the universes from burning? Not once had Nightmare and his army met any resistance, marching right along towards the very heart of the multiverse, to where Ink often claimed his homage.

"You can call for him," Nightmare chuckled, looking upon the motionless body of his brother who often went by the pitiful name Dream, an unconscious form that hovered like a trophy wherever his army went. His kin had been the first to stand in his way, but was no more than a leaf in a hurricane against Nightmare's might. "But Ink will not come, he never will."

This earned several chuckles in response. "They paint themselves as the protector of these worlds," Nightmare boomed to his army, watching their sadistic eyes gleam wish a ravenous hunger, eager to destroy, eager to begin work and watch entire worlds burn. "Ink, others like him, they walk around with their heads held high, believing that they are invincible and because everyone believes so, than it must be true.

"But no more!" Nightmare waved his hand and a black vortex appeared to his right, revealing a writhing body trapped within a bag. Upon hearing Nightmare's voice the hostage began to squirm frantically as it was grabbed by its toes and thrown before his feet. "Today is the dawn of a new era, the first daybreak of a new world that we will rule over as it was always prophesied!"

The army seemed to sigh as Nightmare delivered a blow into the captive's side, smiling at the muffled whimper that came in reply. "He's untouchable," Nightmare declared, mock fear lacing his words. "To kill him is unthinkable, for how can one kill a god?"

Nightmare wrapped his fingers around the bag and flung it away, revealing the face of the self-declared painter who had given himself the duty of guarding the multiverse. There was no indication of emotion anywhere within the eyes of Ink as he gazed upon the army, feeling a pang of remorse at the looks of sheer hatred thrown his way, disgust and loathing. Ink had created each and every universe, sat and watched in astonishment as the first traces of code had pieced themselves together and created entire worlds.

"What do you have to say for yourself?" Nightmare asked, kneeling so that he was eye level with him. "There is no hope of escape for you, no hope for anything. We've already won, you fool. There is no hope of resistance and when word gets out of your death, there will be no one to oppose us."

Ink said nothing, the two multicoloured pinpricks that were his eyes had lost any form of colour, fading to hollow white ovals that gazed solemnly back at Nightmare. "Look at him!" Nightmare howled in a fit of laughter, turning around to face his army. Horror's fingers danced around the hilt of his axe, ready to kill, ready to make them all bleed.

"Look at how pathetic he is!" Nightmare slammed his foot into Ink's rib cage and he doubled over in pain, coughing up a splat of rainbow ink onto the ground. "There is no one to save him, he can't even save himself!" He gestured to the paintbrush several feet away, looking alone and small against the might of his army. "You are alone Ink," Nightmare whispered, tilting the painter's head so that their eyes were interlocked in the world's most intense staring contest. "You are going to die now, and no one is going to remember your name."

"That's where you're wrong," Ink chuckled, wiping the paint from his face. The army seemed to recoil from his very words, reacting like each syllable of his was a knife itself. "Even if you do kill me, there is always hope. You will never win, not when they live."

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