15. Planet Earth

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The two of you are different.

One chose to protect, the other chose to destroy. But yet you share a similar past, experiences and events a direct parallel, thrown into the same Void under the same circumstances, exiled from a dead world with a forgotten name and a forgotten existence. So maybe there was an opportunity here, no matter how different you and Error were, even if there was an invisible balance that was pushing you two in opposite directions.

Ever since Ink had succumbed to Gaster's wrath, given himself up as a vessel for the demented demon, the reality around you had become noticeably sharper, every detail, every aspect of every world that floated in the multiverse called out to you in songs unheard to most. The balance had shifted and you had become the one to secede Ink in full, take over his part as the protector, the guardian of the AU's. And here you stood, in the world without name or place, the void of white where all forgotten souls, where all glitches and anomalies were thrown into to rot, here you stood with their destroyer, the ultimate adversary that threatened the existence of every world and every thing that had ever lived or died.

You were in the Void, no longer trapped within the dead world with Gaster and Ink's corrupted form. Where you stood was unlike a place you had ever seen before, a stark contrast when compared to the serene vastness of the Void. A variety of paintings and portals were strung together in some sort of sphere, chatter and voices ringing out without cease. Some part of you felt drawn to this, relished in the presence of other living things and an instinct to protect them manifested inside you, wanting to save and preserve these worlds so that they would exist for centuries more.

Error seemed on edge in this place. this hub that offered glimpses into every universe and every form of reality that constructed the multiverse. "Where are we?" you breathed, taking in with astonishment the complexity of the place you stood.

"This is the Doodle Sphere," Error grumbled, looking in annoyance at a particular AU that contained extremely graphic content. "Are you sure I can't destroy just this one universe? I mean no one would miss Lusttale."

"No," you snapped, feeling that odd instinct manifest again. Even if it wasn't the best of the universes, every world and every character had a voice that contributed to the song that echoed throughout the Doodle Sphere and the eradication of even one world would be all the difference, the song changing and never again reflecting the grandeur of what it had once been. "Why does everything look this way?"

"You mean all the paintings?" Error's hand flexed uncomfortably, still wanting to destroy the one Lusttale universe. "Ink set this as the default appearance. Where we actually stand is the sort of centre of the Void with portals and rifts that can access every universe that is and will be. Ink chose to have them take on the appearance of paintings for his own amusement, which is really nothing more than a false mask for these anomalies."

You pretended to ignore the comedian and walked over to another universe, the tips of your fingers dancing along the edge of the painting that offered a glimpse into the happenings of the world. Every part of you wanted to throw everything aside and jump into the universe, spend hours and hours learning everything you could about those that lived inside. Every single monster was important, a small spark that when put together, created a large star that would be all the different if even one light were to fade out.

"Gaster wants to erase everything," you mumbled. "When Nightmare captured me, it was all a game of his to isolate Ink and possess him, while using the determination from my soul to give him the power he needed to fully rewrite everything. He said he was planning on having just one universe, one universe altered to protection so that the humans inside would never need to reset or change anything, thus resulting in an impasse where no more alternate universes could create anything." You paused for a moment, looking up at Error wondering how he would react. You still remained uncertain if he would side with Gaster, as he wanted to see the destruction of the worlds as well.

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