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m.yg: I'm gonna do it

jimin stared cluelessly down at the black mobile in his hand as he let his small hand ruffle his fluffy hair.

jimin: do what?

m.yg: I wanna reveal myself to you

jimin: omg really
like right now?

m.yg: get changed into a nice outfit and meet me at the riverbank waterfall

jimin: oh my god I'm trembling so bad

jimin looked down at his shaking body and tried to push the fear far back. 'i can do this, I can do this.' he breathed calmly.

jimin scrambled to the shower and washed his hair thoroughly. the warm water cascaded down his back like a waterfall as he shook off his worries.

he climbed out the shower and dried his wet body off, walking back into his dark room. jimin threw on a white shirt, ruffling and blow drying his blonde hair.

he threw on some jeans, white shoes and a jacket. jimin checked the time, it being 4:48.

"hmm.. why not get food at the cafe?" he mumbled, looking for his wallet. picking it up, he placed it in his pocket.

jimin unplugged his iphone and trudged down the stairs. flicking all the lights off and shutting the blinds. he took one last glance into the house before stepping out and locking the wooden door.

he placed his earphones carefully into his ears and played some songs that he found calming with a slow beat.

the cafe was a few minutes away, a nice modern place that his sister worked at. the walls were white and a light greyish blue, leather chairs and cushions.

jimin turned the corner but instantly backed up. there stood kim taehyung and jeon Jungkook, leaning against the wall with their phones in their hands and cigarettes in the other.

jimin walked past them quickly, hiding his terrified face from them as he scurried by and down the road. his heart beat racing at 100 mph, he halted outside the cafe and caught his breath.

pushing the door open, the familiar bell rang and jimin unplugged his earphones. the classic faint music played from the old speakers as jimin walked up to the counter.

"hey! jimin, what on eart-" she gasped as her brother walked towards the counter, glowing.

"hey leeyoo!" he grinned as she waved him behind the counter. he jogged around happily and hugged her.

"omg you're wearing colour.. you look so good!" she clapped her hands together as he bowed his head shyly, grinning.

"can I grab a lemon drizzle cake? I have 30 minutes." jimin glanced at the time on his phone.

"of course! wait here." leeyoo skipped into the kitchen as jimin looked around the cafes costumers.

the bell rang and jimin turned around, facing a small group of boys walking towards him.

but not any group of boys - it was kim taehyung, jeon jeongguk, min yoongi and jung hoseok.

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