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jimin span on his heel and turned his back to the boys, tapping his foot gently. he was very anxious.

lee yoo walked out to the counter and held out a little box. jimin placed money in her small palm and lee yoo grinned.

"thank you oppa!" she hugged him as he grinned once again. he turned around and locked brief eye contact with someone. min yoongi.

the other male smirked and jimin gulped and made a fast U turn straight out the back entrance.

jimin walked towards the waterfall, eating his cake peacefully. he heard footsteps behind him, and glanced back. no one appeared to be there.

"just a bird.." jimin sighed as he dusted his hands off. he got to the waterfall and sat down on the grass, watching the misty water fall slowly.

a twig snapped behind him, causing jimins eyes to widen and  his head to crane around.

"m-m" jimins eyes were wide open as a familiar raven haired boy stood before him.

a bouquet of white roses outstretched towards him as the raven haired looked at the grass, blush across their cheeks.

silently, jimin took the flowers out of yoongis hands. he placed them onto the ground next to him. yoongi looked up, embarrassed eyes.

"min.. yoongi." jimin smiled as yoongi looked him into his eyes.

"you're not.. upset?" yoongi mumbled, fumbling on a few words in embarrassment.

jimin frowned and shook his head. a wide grin spread across the two males faces as they slowly approached eachother.

yoongi held his welcoming arms out, as jimin fell right into them, the two embracing into a tight hug.

"I can't believe you helped me. you saved me. and now you're.." jimin whispered, smiling.

"I'm here. I'm here for you jimin, and I will do whatever it takes to beat your social anxiety and call you mine." yoongis husky voice became louder, as he cuddled his head into jimins neck.

yoongi let out a sigh of relief on jimins neck as jimin pulled from the hug.

"thank you min yoongi.." jimin smiled, holding yoongis neck. he pulled the older male down, into a sweet kiss.

love is like a flower. it takes a while to keep it growing until it blooms into something beautiful. something beautiful some people take for granted but others keep for life.

like a white rose, pure of bold colours and plain on its own. but when it's bloomed into a bigger flower and it meets the red rose, the two bond together to power the most beautiful pair of flowers.

jimins anxiety held him down like a rope, tied at the wrists away from the people he needed to survive. to feel alive.

yoongi came along like the sharp blade and cut the rope at his wrists, letting jimin free into the world.

yoongi was jimins hero, and jimin was yoongis precious flower.

they loved eachother dearly, but like every flower, at some point it dies.

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