Transformation (Remus Lupin)

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Credits to alessiajontrunfio on tumblr for the pic.

Sirius' Pov

"(Y/n)? (Y/n)? (Y/n)!! Bloody hell mates, we've screwed up big time. Moony's gonna get so mad if he sees what happened to the girl he freaking fancies!!" exclaimed Sirius.

James sighed, "We'd better tell Moony as soon as he's concious, but first, I think we have to bring both of them to the hospital wing."

"Well come on now mates," Sirius said. "James. Peter. You guys carry Moony since he's a bloody giant and will need more than one person to carry him, then I'll just carry (Y/n). "

"Alright," James stated, "Pads. Wormy. Lets go. "

As the 3 Marauders headed back to the castle carrying both (Y/n) and Remus, Sirius thought to himself, "How am I going to explain this to Moony. James and Peter are not even a part of this. It's all my fault his little princess is now in this state. I shouldn't have promised him things that I couldn't even keep."

"Pads?" James questioned, "Why are you being so ummm, Sirius? Get it?"

"James this is not the time for us to be joking around, we've got to bring them to the castle safely and think of a perfectly good explanation on what happened before Moony wakes up." stated Sirius.

James sighed, "Alright mate, I'm sorry. Let's just bloody get them to the castle."

Time skip
Remus' Pov

The smell of potions, bandages, and other medical equipment Madam Pomfrey uses filled the air.

I knew that my transformation a while ago was bad but I never thought that it would be that horrible.

Guess I would be stuck here for a week or so.

"Ughh, I'm in the bloody hospital wing again aren't I?"

"Guys guys, He's awake!" Peter exclaimed.

"Yep. You're in the bloody hospital wing again for having a really bloody night, " James stated, "Anyways Moony we've got to tell you something. Something really important."

"Tsssss." I hissed as I positioned myself to get a better view of James and the others. James was right, this night was bloody, a lot of scars and bruises had formed on body already. The more the merrier I guess, that's what (Y/n) always says. Speaking of (Y/n), where is she?

"Uhhh guys, where's (Y/n)? " I asked.

Sirius spoke, "That's what we were meaning to tell you mate. She umm... "

As I turned to my right, I was left speechless. (Y/n) was lying on the bed with a huge gash on her face. Her arms were full of deep cuts and bruises as well.

"I'm sorry mate, it was all my fault. Shouldn't have let her go see you." Sirius apologized.

Sirius' Pov

"Come on Sirius, please pretty please?" (Y/n) pleaded, "I finally know how to brew this wolfsbane postion and it took me months to learn this. Please. Let me go see Remus for a while, I'll come back before the full moon arrives."

"Please don't give the puppy eyes, please don't give me the puppy eyes." I said to myself.

Then (Y/n) threw me the puppy eyes that were, as matter of fact, better than mine.

"Fine." I sighed, "Just make it quick. I promised Moony to not let you out of the common room till dawn."

"Alright 'Dad'foot don't worry. " (Y/n) joked, "And for the record, you just promised Remus to not let me go near him. You guys never talked about imprisoning me in this common room. He's my best friend. He needs me."

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