Hair (Sirius Black)

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Credits to alessiajontrunfio on tumblr for the pic.

Sirius' Pov

James. Remus. Peter.
First three things I saw as soon as I woke up.

"G'morning guys." I said as I stood up walking towards the bathroom to take a shower, "Why are you lot looking so worried? It's a beautiful day isn't it?!"

"It was a beautiful day... " muttered Peter.

"Yeah."Remus agreed.

"What do you mean it 'was' a beautiful day Wormy?"

"Uhhh mate, I wouldn't go there if I were you." James said.

"Why not? I mean, I'm just gonna take a sho-"

I was cut off as soon as I saw myself in the mirror.

The most precious thing in the world (except (Y/n) of course) is now destroyed.

Pink. It was all pink.

I ruffled my hair a bit to feel wether they hexed me with some kind of spell or they used pink hair dye or something.

"JAAAMESSS!!!" I shouted, "haven't I told you lot to NEVER touch my HAIR??!!"

"I'm sorry Pads." James pleaded, "It was an accident I swear."

"What do you mean accident?!" I hissed at them, "MOONY! Explain... NOW!!"

"Alright." Remus explained. "Well you see, last night when you were asleep, I was reading a book 'peacefully' then James and Peter were being very loud. So I took the pink hair dye that you guys used on Severus 2 months ago then I used a spell to make a clump of it to levitate."

"Then?" Sirius asked furiously.

"Well, I was supposed to aim it at James but then Peter took a hold of my wand then it accidentally went to you instead." Remus finished. "I'm sorry. It's pretty much all my fault."

"It's alright Moony. Can't stay mad at you. In fact I'm proud of you for finally having an interest in the art of pranking." I smirked.

Remus rolled his eyes.


"Do I have a say in this?" Peter asked.

"Yes Wormy. Yes you do."

"You can ask help from (Y/n), " Peter stated. "She's really good at you know.... hair thingies and stuff."

James replied. "One time, she helped braid Lily's hair for the Halloween ball. Blimey, she was a Beauty."

"Yeah. One time, when we were still in our first year, I got gum stucked in my hair courtesy of the bullies who bullied me because of my scars. Anyways, she took it out the next day. Using only peanut butter from the breakfast the next morning." Remus said.

"But guys, this is different." I whined, "We're talking about pink hair dye over here."

"Why not just give it a shot Sirius? She's your girl friend after all." Exclaimed Peter.

"Alright," I sighed, "Thanks guys"

Sirius' Pov

"And that's how I got pink dye on my hair." I said as I finished my story.

"Awe you poor thing." (Y/n) stated, "Come on now, just sit down on the floor and let me do my thing okay?"

"Okay, thanks love."

"Don't mention it." She said while setting a basin, a few towels, and some of her hair products on the floor. "Okay, before I do this umm.... are you sure I can umm... touch your hair?"

"Of course you can love. What makes you think otherwise?" I questioned.

"Well," she said while washing my hair with the concoction she made, "Once after a quidditch match, James ruffled your hair then you bit him."

"Well that was James okay, not (Y/n)."

"There was also this one time when Peter dared Remus to touch your hair, then later on you jinxed him."

"Well... "

(Y/n) interrupted, "It was Moony Sirius, you jinxed Remus. Now that's something different."

"Well, you're not James nor Remus. You're (Y/n). You're different and you're special to me. And I love you. That's why ever since second year I allowed you to style my hair every single day remember?" I assured her.

"Yah, you're right I guess," She stated, while finishing up.  "But don't you love Remus too?"

"(Y/n) are you serious?"

She giggled, "No. But you are."

"One of the many reasons why I love you." I sighed.

"And... we... are.. done! Just gonna dry your hair with this towel first."

I looked turned around where she sat and Godric it was a mess.

Pink everywhere!

On the floor, the basin, the towels, some of the hair products she used on me, and her hands.

"Don't worry (Y/n/n), I can do it my self." I stated as i looked at the mirror she gave me, "Woah, everything came off! Thanks m'dear."

"Sirius?" She said as she washed her hands.

"Yes love?"

"Isn't James your umm.. " she smirked, "dear (deer)?"

"Oh (Y/n)... " I sighed while giving her a kiss on the forehead, "Come on, I'll help you clean this mess up. "

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