Kiss (Jily)

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This story is dedicated to my very good friend, Sup_Yoonmin who also makes stories here on Wattpad (If you're into BTS or other Korean stuff, go check her out!!). This is also my way of showing my gratitude because you've written such an amazing story for me. Thank you so much!! I GIB U MAH HART TOOOO!! :))

In this story, Sup_Yoonmin, you will be Lily Evans. You-know-who  (By the way, he's not Voldemort.) will be James Potter. Sirius Black, Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew will be You-know-who's (Again, NOT Voldemort.) three friends (Sup_Yoonmin, you get to choose who they are). Your BTS best friend shall be Marlene McKinnon, and I will be Alice Longbottom.

James --> Prongs
Sirius --> Padfoot
Remus --> Moony
Peter --> Wormtail

I hope you'll enjoy the story ;)

To all the other readers, I'm sorry if Lily is out of character.

credits to alessiajontrunfio on tumblr for the pic :)

Lily's Pov

The scent of candies and sweets filled the air as me and my close friend, Marlene entered Honeydukes.

Looking quite puzzled, Marlene asked, "Where could Alice be? She told us to meet her here."

I took the note that I received during Charms out of my pocket.

It read,

Dearest Lily (and Marlene I guess),

        Meet me at Honeydukes in Hogsmeade at three. Don't be late.

It's about James.

Sincerely yours,
Alice Longbottom.

"It's already past three. I still can't find her."

Honeydukes was too crowded. We scanned the whole place for what seems like 10 times but we still haven't seen Alice.

"Is that her outside?" Marlene exclaimed, "C'mon Lils."

Me and Marlene quickly dashed outside to our dear friend, Alice, who looks anxious at the moment.

"Where have you guys been? We're already off schedule!!" Alice said while flailing her arms like a crazed person.

"What do you mean off schedule?" I asked.

"The reason why I asked you to meet me here is because..."

There was a long pause and Alice leaned in nearer to me and Marlene and whispered, "Remus told me that James will be here by three as well, and... "

"Wait." I cut her off, "Why would James be here at Hogsmeade? He has Quidditch practice this afternoon."

"You know him so well don't you?" teased Marlene, elbowing me on the side.

"Zip it McKinnon." Shooting her a death glare.

"Because." Alice stated, "Me and the other Marauders made a fake letter that you would meet James at the Three Broomsticks."


"It's no big deal Lils. We all know that you like him as much as he likes you."

"Well," Marlene added, "let me use the word love instead. We all know that you love James as much as he loves you."

"Nice one McKinnon!!"

I turned around and saw Sirius, Remus and Peter walking towards us with goofy grins plastered on their faces (Sirius was strutting though).

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2018 ⏰

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