Glasses (James Potter)

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Credits to Viria on tumblr for the pic.

Sirius' Pov

It was a beautiful Saturday morning and it was snowing, which means it's my favorite time of the year..... CHRISTMAS!!

Oh I can't wait to go to Honeydukes and buy Moony the chocolate that he wanted so badly.

Not that I'm only gonna give Moony a gift. Of course I'm gonna buy gifts for James, (Y/n), Peter....

"Sirius?" I heard James groaned as he woke up.

"Ye Prongs, what's the matter?" I questioned.

"I can't seem to find my glasses." he stated as he reached out to where he usually puts them. "They're not on top of my drawer are they?"

"Nope they aren't there mate, sorry."

"It's alright Pads, can you help me find them?"

"Sorry mate." I apologized, "I'm off to Hogsmeade remember?"

"Owh yah. You and Moony are gonna have date I forgot." He teased.

"Shut it Prongs." I said rolling my eyes at him.

"Enjoy your date Pads!!"

"I will mate." I joked.

As I stepped out of the portrait hole, I suddenly remembered....

"James!! James!!"

"Yes Padfoot?"

"Your glasses," I paused, "they're with (Y/n)"

"Why?" He asked.

"I remember her coming in our dorm this morning. She said she wanted to borrow them for a while. I don't know why but-"

"When is she coming back?"

"I'm not quite sure mate," I uttered, "she left an hour ago so maybe she'll be back in a few minutes I guess."

"Ughh, (Y/n) why?"

"Don't worry mate. She's your best friend and I'm sure she has a perfectly good reason why she took it." I reassured him. "Aren't you gonna come?"

"I'll just wait for her here till she gets back." James stated, "I can't see a bloody thing without those."

"Alright mate, I'll just tell (Y/n) to hurry up a bit when I see her."

"Thanks Pads."

"Anytime mate." I said then I was off to Hogsmeade to see Moon- I mean to buy gifts for all my lovely friends.

(Y/n) Pov

"I hope James will love this." I said to myself while I was off to the Gryffindor common room holding his glasses.

"(Y/n)!" I heard someone scream.

I turned around to see Sirius running towards me.

"(Y/n) James is looking for those." he said while pointing at the spectacles I'm holding.

"Owh Yeah. Umm... sure I'll just run to the common room."

"Okay." He said, "Anyways did you tell him yet?"

"Of course not. I'm not a bloody idiot Sirius." I exclaimed while giving him a death glare.

Sirius was the only person in the entire world who knows that I admire the brunette Gryffindor seeker. So every time he pesters me to tell James how I truly felt because he said that he has the same regard for me as well. (Which I hardly doubt is true.)

"Come on (Y/n)." He pleaded giving me the puppy eyes, "Do it for me. Sirius."

"I'll think about it. Goodbye Sirius." I said while running my way to the Gryffindor common room.

As soon as I arrived in the common room, I saw James making his way down to the couch while wearing his sweater on the wrong side.

"James?" I questioned while giggling and making my way to the couch.

"Owh hi (Y/n)," he said. Struggling his way towards me. "Say.... umm... can I have my glasses back? I can't really see a thing."

"Sorry James, I should've asked your permission early." I apologized, "I just didn't want to ruin the surprise."

"What surprise?"

Dang it. Shouldn't have said that. Ughhh

"This." I said, returning the glasses to him. "I went to Hogsmeade and let them engrave a tinyvgolden snitch on both sides and your name on the right side I think."

"Wow it's really nice (Y/n)." He said while trying to have a good look at the sides of his glasses. "I really appreciate it."

"I was gonna put it in this." I said while handing him the case for his spectacles. "But then I accidentally spoiled the surprise myself so Merry Christmas I guess."

As James opened the case, he took out a folded peice of paper.

Crap. I forgot.

"(Y/n) what's this?"

"That's nothing!!" I lied, while trying to get the peice of paper from him. "Give it here James!!"

"Not in a million dreams." He smirked.

Oh no. He can't read that. That's the piece of paper where I wrote my 'practice speech' on how to ask James to the Yule Ball. I put the note in the case in the first place since my pants had no pockets in it. I guess I forgot to take it out on the way.

After James read the note, he shot his head up and that was my cue to leave the common room and find a place to rethink about how stupid I am.

But before I was able to leave, James grabbed me by the wrist which caused me to turn around and before I knew it, he registered his lips onto mine. Soon his hands were on my hips while mine were tugging his hair and begging for more.

After a few seconds or so, we were both gasping for air while we rested our foreheads against each other. However I wasn't quite sure why my cheeks are were wet. Wait... am I.... crying?

"Why are you crying?" James cooed while he cupped both cheeks in his hands.

"I-It's just t-that umm... " I stuttered, "I-I have f-feelings for you f-for the longest t-time already a-and-"

I was cut off when his lips were on mine again. It was more gentle this time. It was soft yet it was passionate. As passionate as the one he gave me a while ago.

"I love you okay (Y/n). I LOVE  YOU."

"You don't!!" I stated. "You're lying!! You're just saying that you love me because it will make me feel better. I know your ways Potter and it wil not work with me."

"I know I'm a prankster and all but, " he sighed. "this time it's real. I really do love you."

"How will I know it's not one of those famous pranks you always make huh?"

"I'm your best friend (Y/n) you gotta trust me." He said, "Then again.... I'll prove it to you by saying yes."

"Yes to what?"

"Yes." He said, grabbing both of my hands, "I will go to the Yule Ball with you."

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