Beautiful (Remus Lupin)

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Credits to alessiajontrunfio on tumblr for the pic. :)

Remus' Pov

I guess last night was worse than before.

It was one of those rare times where I end up in the hospital wing after transforming into the horrible monster I am.

I hope I didn't hurt my friends last night.

I hope I didn't hurt her.

"Remus?" Said a faint voice. "Are you in here? I've brought you something."

Thank Godric she's alright.


"I'm right over here (Y/n)."

"Remus!!" She exclaimed, making her way towards me and engulfing me in a tight warm hug. "Are you alright? Is anything bothering you? Is everyth-"

"Everything's alright (Y/n/n). Especially now that you're here." I stated, grinning like a huge dork.

"Stop it Rem. I'm being serious here."

"Sorry love. I just missed you that's all." I apologized.

"I'm sorry too. It was really difficult to come see you. Madame Pomfrey kicked me out three times already just come and visit you. Thank goodness she's not here this time or else I'll end up like Sirius and the others."

"Why? What happened?"

"The last three times I tried to visit, I was with them and we all got kicked out together. Then a while ago around 6 in the morning they told me that they're gonna try one more time. I told them not to since I knew that you would be resting and there's a huge chance that Madame Pomfrey would be there."

"Let me guess, they didn't listen." I sighed

"Obviously. They're so stubborn UUGGHHH!! Now look who's suffering in detention." (Y/n) ranted, rolling her eyes.

"We'll I'm glad you're here and not with them. At least we get to spend a few minutes together. But...."

"But what?"

"What if Madame Pomfrey sees you in here with me?"

"Oh don't worry Rem. I have  James' invisibility cloak with me."

"My girl is always prepared." I stated confidently. "Anyways, what have you brought for me today love?"

"Oh." She said, positioning herself on my bed. "I have here your homework, which I've already done since I love you so much."

"Aww you didn't have to (Y/n/n)."

"It's alright. I also have your Charms essay right here and you were the only one in class that got an O."

"What about you?" I asked, "I thought you always aced every subject especially Charms."

"I was sleepy that time."


"Cause I was umm..... preparing your Wolfsbane that time...." She stated sheepishly.

"I'm sorry for that again. If only I'm normal. I would've been a better boyfriend than I am now."

"But Rem-"

"No (Y/n). I should be the one taking care of you. Not the other way around."


"Don't you remember the time you got sick?" I paused, stifling a cry. "I was supposed to be the one who tucked you in bed or give you hot chocolate or cuddles when you're in bed. But no. You weren't even resting. Sirius told me that you were too busy making some sort of ointment  for my scars. These horrid scars."

"But Re-Remus.... I've done those things because I love you and care for you."

"Just so you know," She added, "I think your scars are the most beautiful things I've seen in my life."


"Yes. Not only is it beautiful, it is also a symbol of bravery. It shows how much you've been through and how you were brave enough to overcome the trials that you were facing."

"T-Thanks (Y/n)." I sniffed, "You're the best."

"Speaking of best...." She paused, stuffing her hand in her satchel, "Look what I've got you."


"It's the best chocolate bar from Honeydukes. It's new and look.... it says here..... "Best Chocolate in the Entire Wizarding World". I'm sure you'll love it Rem."

"How thoughtful of you. Thanks (Y/n/n)."

"Don't mention it." She said.

"What has gotten into you young lad. How in the world did you fall of your broom? I thought you are one of the school's best beaters."

"I just wanted to see my best friend ma'am."

"I've got to go.... Madame Pomfrey's here.... and I guess Sirius too. Here take this." She gave me a small bottle that was filled with a yellow substance which smelled of flowers. "It's the ointment I made, sorry if it smells kinda girly."

"It's alright thank you. Take care love." I whispered, placing a soft kiss on her lips. "See you soon."

She gave me one last smile then she used James' cloak to stay hidden and when Madame Pomfrey came in with Sirius she was off.

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