Date (Sirius Black)

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Credits to alessiajontrunfio on tumblr for the pic.

James' Pov

"James, no."

"Oh come on (Y/n/n) it's just one date." I pleaded. "Pleeeeaaaassseee.... "

"For the last time James my answer is no. Besides, I don't like him, he's practically my brother."

"You don't like him because you LOVE him." I teased her, sticking my tongue out.

"That's the last straw... I'M GONNA GET YOU FOR THAT JAMES!!"

Before I knew it, I was being chased by (Y/n) while she was firing her spells at me.

"Come on (Y/n). I know that deep down inside you always wanted to go out with hi-"


(Y/n)'s  Pov

Ha! He fell!!

"Serves you right." I said, clutching my stomach, trying to hold my laughter.

"I stubbed my little toe!!" James whined.

"Tsss." He hissed while holding his left foot, checking out his little stubbed toe. "C-come on (Y/n). I'm already in pain." James stammered. "Please go on a date with him. Besides, if you do, I'll win Moony's bet and then I can use that money to buy you that new book you've always wanted."


"What do you say? Are ya in?"

"Alright. For Sirius and for the new book I've always wanted!!" I declared. "Can you add a few chocolate frogs in there?"

"Sure thing!!" James grinned. "I'll just get Sirius for you then before you know it, you'll be saying hello to that brand new book of yours. SIRIUS!! SOMEONE'S HERE TO SEE YOU!!!"

"It's for Sirius too you know." I stated.

"Oh so you DO like him." James teased.

"No..... Well maybe.....a bit.....Alright so I do like him, no big deal."

"Easy for you to say." James smirked.

Then I saw him coming down the stairs, still a bit groggy but then still adorable with his cool black leather jacket and his hair tied up into a tiny cute ponytail.... okay so maybe I do like him.... A Lot.

"Who's here to see m-.... oh hi (Y/n)!!" He yawned, rubbing his eyes.

"I better go, now." James stated, giving me a mischievous grin while walking away.

Sirius' Pov

"Is everything alright (Y/n)? Did James do anything wrong?" I questioned.

"Yep. Everything's good. Hehe..." she said, giving me a wide smile.

Something's definitely wrong.

I know my best friend more than she knows herself and something tells me that she's hiding something.

"(Y/n) you're hiding something from me again." I said in a stern tone.

"No. No I'm not." She denied.

"Come on (Y/n), we both know that you are keeping something, don't be shy....." I said, placing a strand of her hair behind her ear. "We're best friends. And best friends don't keep secrets from each other right?"

"Oh, alright." She sighed. "So James here made a bet with Moon-"

"Oh the bet? I already know that. And I was just about to ask you if you wanted to go to Hogsmeade with me today."

"You're doing this because James promised to give you something right?"

"No of course not. I wanted to umm... "

"You wanted to what?" She questioned.

I was kind of hesitant to say the next part. Cause it might ruin our friendship.

"I wanted to make the first move and ask you out for real because..... I just can't hide these feelings from you anymore.... because we made a promise to each other when we were little that we would never hide the slightest detail from each other remember?"

A tear escaped from her eye, "You actually remembered that? We were like five."

"Of course I remember. So.... do you wanna go out? I'll bring you to your favorite bookstore and buy you that new book you've always wanted."

"Yes. Of course I'll go out with you." She exclaimed. "By the way.... James promised me that he'll give me that book I've always wanted if I went out with you.... and some chocolate frogs too.... hehehe.... sorry. "

"You sold me out for a book and some chocolate?! How dare you!! Sirius is hurt.... REALLY hurt." I joked, sniffing while pretending to wipe away some tears.

"It was James who promised that not me." She objected, "I never asked anything from him.... well maybe the chocolate frogs.... anyways I did wanted to go out with you. I've always wanted to actually."

"So you were in love with me before?" I smirked.

"Quit messing with me Sirius." She glared at me.

"Alright, alright." I stated, planting a soft kiss on her forehead, "I was in love with you before as well, just so you know."

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