Chapter 1

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Yoongi's POV

"What should we do hyung?" Jungkook asked. "Maybe we should visit our hometowns and have a sleepover."  Hoseok suggested. "That's tiring! Maybe  we should go on a food trip!" Seokjin hyung excitedly said, moving his eyebrows up and down. "All you think is food, hyung!" Taehyung laughed. "We should go mountain climbing and sacrifice ourselves to the aliens."

"How about Jeju? I miss that place." Jungkook joined in. "But we went there last year. Can we just stay home and rest." Namjoon said. Finally! A decent answer. Thanks, Namjoon.

And so World War lll started. I watched the five of them argue. I honestly don't want to be in here. Why am I here the first place? Right. Because Namjoon told me to come.

"What should we do Yoongi hyung?" Namjoon asked. I sighed and shook my head." I don't really know. I'm planning to sleep the whole break." I simply said. They all stared at me with disbelief. "What a boring life." Jungkook stated.

"Come with me Yoongi hyung! Let's sacrifice ourselves to the aliens." Taehyung offered. I didn't answer of course. Talking is a waste of energy.

"Ah Jin hyung! I heard the results will come today. Good luck!" Namjoon said as Jin hyung nodded. "What results?" Hoseok asked.

"Remember that thing I'm talking about last week? The school will pick a representative to compete." Jin hyung explained.

"Really, good luck hyung!" The two maknaes said. "Aigoo~ our old but handsome hyung's getting busy~" teased Hoseok, who just earned a slap from Namjoon.

"Luck, Jin hyung." I said.

“YAH, THE TEACHER IS COMING!” a student yelled, causing the class to erupt in chaos.

Everybody went to their seats. The teacher came with a huge grin. "Alright! We have a new student. You may come in Mr. Park!" Our teacher called.

Loud gasping filled the room.

A young looking man entered our classroom."Oh boy, he looks good." Hoseok whispered. I wouldn't deny it..... He's handsome.

"Not us handsome as me." Seokjin interrupted. I rolled my eyes and stared that new guy. As I continue staring, I realize how attractive he is.

His fluffy looking hair, his dark eyes, nose, and plump lips--- I want to kiss that lips. Wait---- what?! Aish control your hormones Yoongi!

If you think that I'm out of my mind, I'm not. I'm bisexual. That means I like both genders but that's not a big deal. I never told anyone (even my family), except these five idiots. I'm afraid of judgement. I'm afraid of the words people will say. I'm afraid of the things they will think. So I remained quite inside my closet all this time.

"Introduce yourself Mr. Park." Our teacher said. Jimin cleared his troat. "Hello. I'm Park Jimin. Nice to meet you!" Jimin smiled. Oh damn his smile..... is he an angel?!

"Where should you seat?" Our teacher said looking around. My heart skipped a beat. There's no vacant sit except---

"Oh go sit with Mr. Min over there." Our teacher said  pointing at the vacant chair beside me. I gulped. Why am I so nervous?!

"Hi." I snapped back to reality when I heard someone talked to me. I turned my head and saw no other than...... Park Jimin.

"H-hi." I stammered. Our eyes met. What's happening to me? He smiled.

"What's your name?" Jimin asked. I gulped. "I'm Yoongi. Min Yoongi." I said.

"Well, nice meeting you Mr.Min. I hope we can be friends." Jimin slightly smiled.

"Of course. And no need to be formal, call me  Yoongi or hyung. I bet I'm older than you." I stated, trying hard not to blush. Jimin nodded and looked forward.

I stared at him again, admiring his side profile. His jawline is the true definition of perfection. His black hair, his mochi like's all adorable.

"Hyung, is there dirt in my face?" Jimin suddenly asked.

"There's nothing Jimin-ah." I mumbled. Jimin gave me a confused  look. "But you keep staring at me hyung." Jimin stated.  Uh oh I was caught staring. "I was staring at something outside.... yeah that's right! Hahaha...."( A/N Jimin is sitting near the window.)I lied.


Author's POV

Yoongi begins to walk home alone, and Jimin is all he can think about.

"Seriously, how can a person be that perfect?!" He said to himself as he cross the street.

Yoongi is too busy daydreaming and didn't notice a car passing. Yoongi's mind went blank as well as his vision and his heart beating very fast. Yoongi closed his eyes.

Suddenly a huge amount of weight pushed him. Yoongi opened his eyes and found Park Jimin.... on top of him.

"J-jimin?" Yoongi stammered. Jimin immediately stood up and help Yoongi. "Hyung! You nearly died!" Jimin scolded the older, who's mind still didn't process what happened.Wait is he---- worried about me? Yoongi thought. "S-sorry..." the older apologized. Jimin sighed. "You should be more careful, hyung." Jimin said, a hint of worry in his voice.

"Yes. Thank you Jimin-ssi. I'm just so tired that's why." Yoongi bowed, very embarrassed. WHAT WOULD JIMIN THINK OF YOU NOW?! Yoongi thought.

"Should I walk you home? What if that will happen again?"

Yoongi shook his head multiple times. "Thank you for your worry Jimin, but I can manage to go home by myself." Yoongi said. "I should go now. Thank you again."

Yoongi left without another word. Jimin stared at the man as he frown. "You're lucky I'm wearing white or else I've already killed you." Jimin mocked. He then started to walk away, clutching his knife tighter.


Jimin's POV

"You saved him?! Are you a f*cking idiot?!" Taemin yelled. Unfortunately he's my boss. Well, I'm a gang member. And I'm here to make his life a living hell.

"Remember that you need to make him suffer." Minho reminded. I rolled my eyes and drank my beer.

"I know. I'll make that idiot suffer that's why I saved him!" I assured them. Key sarcastically clapped his hands. "Don't be over confident kid. You know you failed many times." He mocked.

"I know Kibum, no need to remind me." I coldly stated. "How though?" Jinki aka Onew asked. This is getting irritating.

"Just watch." I said and walked away. I'm not going to fail this time.....

I'll make you suffer, Min Yoongi.


Author's Note

Special thanks to RICEMON!!!!

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