Chapter 8

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Yoongi's POV

"Yoongi~ I'm starving!" Jin hyung whined. I deeply sighed. "Why are you here at the first place?" I fastened my pace, leaving Jin hyung behind.

"Because no one wants to go with a salty iguana like you. Need this?" He said, handing me a soft neck pillow.

I took the neck pillow and started to hit him with in a soft manner.

I'm going back to Daegu for a week since I'm suspended. He said he'll help me shop however all he do is complain. I really don't know where my parents and brother are but I'm sure they're overseas for business so the only ones at home are the maids and guards. Having a sucessful business is sure torublesome, well for me. Being to youngest, my parents told me that I will---- someday--- inherit one of our companies with the help of my older brother but I refused. My only dream is to be a sucessful song composer, nothing else.

"Yoongi, let's eat already! I'm dying" Jin hyung dramatically stated. "Alright! Stop with the drama already!"

"You're treat?"

"Oh God hyung! Fine---"a

"What are you waiting for? Food is waiting!" He cut me off and dragged me out of the shop. Aish! This hyung...


"Hyung! Slow down! You'll choke!" I warned, handing a glass of water. Yeah I do love this guy but.... it's embarrassing.

"Calm down, Yoongi. I'm used to this." Jin hyung assured, moving his brows up and down. We're at a Chinese restaurant (as Jin hyung wished) eating our lunch. He ordered a lot while me, on the other hand, lost my appetite because of him.

"God I hope Namjoon's here so he can witness this mess..." I silently prayed.

"Jin hyung? Yoongi hyun" A familiar voice called. God answered my prayers too fast~

"Namjoon? Why are you---"

I was interrupted by the loud and wild coughing of Jin hyung. "Hyung are you okay?" Namjoon asked in a worried manner, patting Jin hyung's back. Jin hyung-- who's still very shocked--nodded in reponse.

"Have a seat." I said. We spent a few minutes talking about random things-- which left me feeling 'out' since most of the time the two boys infront of me are talking about stuffs I don't even know what--- until our orders arrived.

Soon, the door opened and a boy around our age entered. Not just any other boy-- it's him.

He looked around, clearly disappointed. This restaurant is small and it's Saturday so unfortunately there's no vacant--- well except the one next to me. Wait---- this situation is familiar....


Introduce yourself Mr. Park." Our teacher said. Jimin cleared his troat. "Hello. I'm Park Jimin. Nice to meet you!" Jimin smiled. Oh damn his smile..... is he an angel?!

"Where should you seat?" Our teacher said looking around. My heart skipped a beat. There's no vacant sit except---

"Oh go sit with Mr. Min over there."

End of flashback

Our eyes met and surprisingly, he smiled. "To whom are you looking at?" Namjoon asked looking at the direction I'm looking at.

"Park Jimin? Is that him?" Jin hyung asked and I nodded. "Hey Jimin!" Namjoom suddenly called. I kicked his leg, gaining a groan from him.

Jimin walked towards, showing his cute smile. "Yes---?"

"Ah this Kim Seokjin hyung and this is Kim Namjoon. They're our classmates." I said, pointing at them.

"Nice to meet you hyungs! Oh-- is it okay for me to call you that?"

Both of them nodded. "What are you doing here by the way?" Jin hyung asked.

"I suddenly want to eat some Chinese food but this place is full so I think I'll just find another place to eat." Jimin answered.

Jin hyung and Namjoon looked at each other then to me, then to Jimin.

"Are you alone? If you are, why won't you sit with us?"


Thank you so much LaylaHijCake!!!

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