"I really don't want you going. You could get hurt and go to the hospital and-"
"Y/n!" Pony sighed loudly as he pulled on his shirt.
He smiled and softly placed his hands on my hips.
"I promise I'll come back ok." He smiled. I swallowed and nodded, then helped him button up his shirt the rest of the way.
"Thanks." He smiled before giving me a soft kiss on the cheek and we went downstairs.
"We will try and be quick." Darry said as he pulled on his shirt.
"You guys might. I'm going to pound. Their. Faces." Dally said as he punched a pillow then laughed.
"I still don't like it." I sighed and leaned against the wall.
"Ah, y/n, we will be back before ya know it." Johnny said as he playfully punched my arm. I shot him a smile.
"7. We better head out." Darry said.
The gang ran out and Steve did his Indian call. Pony shot me a reassuring smile before trotting out behind them, slamming the door and leaving me alone to the unfamiliar silence of the house.
I stood and thought for a moment on what to do without the boys pestering me.
I sighed and ran upstairs, grabbing a random book I had been seeing Pony read in.
I jumped on the bed and laid back as I proped the book open.
I smiled when I saw inside the cover was written Property of Ponyboy Curtis.
I flipped to the first page and let my eyes wander down.
Let me tell you, in my opinion, Gone With The Wind is great.
I finished the first few pages and grabbed a pen off the side table, scribbling into the cover.
Ponyboy Curtis, the nerdiest boy I've met, the greatest boy I've met. ~ Y/n

That Nerd?/ Ponyboy x Reader
FanfictionPonyboy Curtis. The school nerd who got picked on almost every day for his smarts and his name. After a few steps into fate and a wave of hope you seem to fall right into the school nerd and don't stop falling.