Dally babled on about some girl he had sex with the night before with Twobit and Pony but I wasn't focused in.
I stared at Pony deeply as he laughed at Dally. You really start to notice things about people, like the way his eyes crinkled when he laughed or his dimples, or the way his eyes sparkled or the way-
"Well hey doll." A familiar voice chuckled.
I broke from my day dream and looked up to see Curly standing with a grin plastered on his handsome face.
"Hey, Curl." Pony smiled. Curly shot him a smile and turned his attention back to me.
"Havent seen you around. Where did you disappear to?" He asked.
"I um-"
"Get lost." Dally chuckled. Curly furrowed his eyebrows.
"What? You her boyfriend or something?" Curly smirked at him.
"Just get lost." Dally sighed as he rolled his eyes.
"Who's gonna make me, huh?" Curly smirked.
Dally stood so their noses were almost touching.
"I will if you want." Dally growled.
I looked at Pony who sat with his eyes narrowed at Curly.
"Get lost Curly. She's not allowed to date you." Pony growled.
"What does it matter to you?" I snapped before I could stop myself.
Everyone's eyes turned to me as I felt my anger spill over the edge.
"You know what?! I'm tired of you all telling me who I can and can't be with! Fuck all of you." I snapped as I stood and grabbed Curlys hand.
I barely even knew what I was doing, i just knew I was tired of the gang treating me as if I were an object being tossed around.
"You're not allowed to date him, y/n." Dally growled.
"Oh yeah? Watch me." I scoffed as I grabbed Curlys face and kiss him.
"What the hell!" Pony yelled as he threw his hand onto the table and stood. Curly pulled away and smirked.
"She wants me..sorry Pone." Curly laughed coldly.
My eyes glanced to Dally who's eyes were wide with anger.
My eyes quietly flickered to Twobit, who sat with a look with a mixture of shock and he looked a bit scared.
Pony pursed his lips and did something I wouldn't expect him to do.
Maybe Dally, or Darry, or Steve or maybe even Soda but never Pony.
He punched him.
And I mean really punched him, like blasted him on the nose.
Curly stumbled back and grabbed his nose that was already dripping blood.
I looked at Pony with wide eyes as he breathed heavily and stared at Curly.
"Let's go." He growled but I backed away from him.
"I said I'm not a fucking object and you're not going to tell me who I can be with you asshole." I snapped.
He bit his lip and ran out.
"What the hell just happened?" Twobit asked.
"I... I don't know." Dally stuttered as I made my way to Curly to check his nose.

That Nerd?/ Ponyboy x Reader
FanfictionPonyboy Curtis. The school nerd who got picked on almost every day for his smarts and his name. After a few steps into fate and a wave of hope you seem to fall right into the school nerd and don't stop falling.