Chap. 27

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Pony carried my things upstairs (despite me telling him I could do it.)

The second I walked in I was engulfed by hugs from Twobit, Steve and Johnny.

Johnnys face lit up when he saw me and he was the first to run over and hug me.

"We've missed ya kid." Darry smiled.

Pony came back downstairs and joined me, wrapping an arm around my shoulders.

"It's already late. Dally and Johnny, y'all share the sofa. Soda can share the bed with me tonight. Steve and Keith, y'all make a pallet on the floor." Darry said.

"Oh! Darry it's fine! I can take the sofa." I protested.

"I'm sure you can but you haven't slept on a normal bed for a week so you and Pony are taking our room." Soda cut in.

"But nothing funny." Darry growled.

"The second I hear moaning I will scream at the top of my lungs." Twobit laughed.

I rolled my eyes and we bid everyone goodnight, but Johnny pulled me off to the side.

"Go ahead Pony. I'll send her up in a second."

Pony smiled and nodded, making his way upstairs.

"I just really wanted to say I'm glad you're back. The gang just feels complete with ya. I don't know what Pony... what we would do without ya." Johnny smiled, rubbing the back of his neck.

I smiled and kissed his cheek lightly.

"I don't know what i would do without you dorks ethier. Night, Johnny cakes." I smiled, before joining Pony upstairs.

"What did Johnny Cakes wanna talk about?" Pony asked as he pulled off his shoes.

"Nothing much, just that he's glad I'm back and- toss me my shorts- he's happy that I'm staying." I replied as I slipped off my pants, not even thinking that Pony hadn't seen me in my underwear.

His cheeks flushed red and he turned his head and pretended to be interested in the clock on the wall.

"Oh! Pony. I'm sorry. If you feel uncomfortable I can-"

"No! You're fine! I've just... never seen ... well you know." He said, obviously embarrassed.

"What? Not even in a playboy or something?" I asked with a smirk, shocked he hadn't found one of Sodas playboy magazines.

His cheeks turned a even deeper red and he turned his head.

"Pony, i didn't mean to make you feel embarrassed. I'm still a virgin too, I was just shocked." I said quickly, not wanting to make him feel as if I thought it was lame.

"Yeah..." He said quietly.

I smiled and gave him a soft kiss.

"Do you... only if you want to of course but-"

But i had already collided my lips with his.

He grabbed my waist and pulled me onto his lap.

"Darry said no funny business." I teased, my lips brushing against his.

"Don't you have a thing for rule breakers?" Pony smiled, then reached over and turned off the side table light, causing the whole room to fall into complete dark besides the cast of the street lamp out side, as he snaked on top of me.

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