#6 - Need You Now

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Madi POV 
I fell asleep in Taylor's arms last night and I had woken up earlier than her so I decided to slowly  climb out of her and take my phone and earphones to listen some music til Taylor woke up. It still feels weird that I'm with the Taylor Swift... Now I'm sitting on the other couch with Meredith, listening to Taylor's unreleased songs. I start to sing along with it softly.
"I need you now
Read letters that I wrote on the wall
And the message that I left when I called

I need you now
Words I said drowned out by the rain
Waiting there for you but you never came

My world’s a little colder now
But I’m keeping warm somehow

So here you are at my window
Guess nobody told you
I don’t need don’t need you
And I waited so frustrated
Who’s gonna hold you
I don’t need you don’t need you now."

I listen the song further, sing along with it and keep cuddling Meredith, while seeing flashbacks of me and my grandmother. I needed her all the time... But I also thought of my dad with this song... I needed a real dad and all he did was... not being that man. When I needed him, he was never there for me. I didn't notice Taylor woke up and is listening to me until I sang the last words and I could hear Taylor clapping. "O my God, Taylor! How long are you awake..." I ask. "I woke up by your singing. How do you even get that song, it was one of my unreleased songs!" she says. "There are like hundreds of your unreleased songs leaked, Taylor. Didn't you know that?" I ask. "Not really... I knew that some songs of my first demo CD were leaked on the internet, but not all the others I recorded with friends on my phone and other demo's..." she said. She came sitting next to me and took me in her arms. "You know, Madi... You cried in your sleep tonight... I tried to wake you up, but you wouldn't... Do you remember what you dreamed about?" she asked. I don't remember anything of me crying last night. Nor do I remember a nightmare. "I have no clue of what I dreamed last night... I think it is better this way." I said. "And... What do you think about if we are going to adopt a new kitten?" she suddenly asked. "We?" I asked. She looked like she said something she actually wasn't allowed to say. "Taylor, what is going on?" I asked. "Well... Uhm... I got a call yesterday when you were already sleeping.... And... It was about your dad. My parents went to the police to tell about how he abuses you and more... But it turned out he obviously saw on the news that your grandma died and that you stayed with me now and it's crazy what the paps all got to know, but when the cops went to your house... your dad... was gone. Not all the stuff was gone, but there was a letter mentioned to you... And he is going to try to get to you and take you with him and to go away from here..." Taylor said. "Are you kidding me? Please tell me this is a joke." I said, trying to laugh. But Taylor shook her head. "You'll stay with me until your dad is caught by the cops... And my parents are going to denounce him and there will definitely come a lawsuit and you'll have to go there... But it will all turn out fine. And your grandmothers funeral will be in two days... But don't worry, I'll be here with you all the time." Taylor said. I just nodded. I didn't know what to say. It was all so much... Too much. "Uhm... you asked or we could go adopt a new kitten. Can't we go look for that now?" I just said.

Taylor POV
I just told Madi everything that was going on, from what I knew according to the call I got last night. And I saw it was actually too much for Madi and she suddenly started about adopting a new kitten I just started about. "Well... Sure. But I first have to call my parents, so it is more safe... And I rather have my parents with us than my bodyguards." I said. "Well, go dress. We are going to get some breakfast at Starbucks." I said with a smile and I stood up. Madi let Meredith go and walked upstairs, where I got her some clothes of mine which were definitely too big but I would also get her new clothes while we are going to adopt a new kitten. I already decided to buy a young one, like Meredith was when I got her. I prefer a Scottish Fold, they are so adorable. You pay a lot for them, but it is worth it. 
 I also walked upstairs to go dress and got into my room. Madi was already in another room, where I had clothes for her that usually were worn by me, so I didn't have to look out for her fear of getting seen by other people. She hates herself and I have to respect that. I will help her anyway. I remember when Demi [Lovato] went to Timberline Knolls for treatment. I ain't planning on sending Madi to anything like that, but I hope I can help her and maybe I can get her to meet Demi. I bet Demi would like Madi and even though I don't know or Madi likes Demi Lovato, I guess she will like her anyway.
 I dress in blue skinny jeans, a white shirt and a blue jacket which is almost the same blue as my skinny jeans. I do my hair in a straight tale, put on some red lipstick and some other make up, just a bit tho, and I step into my brown shoes. [See attached picture]
 I take my black sunglasses and lay them down on the table so I don't forgot them when I leave my apartment. While Madi takes some of my make up and goes back to the bathroom, am I making a call to my parents to come over and go shopping with Madi and me. Luckily they have time to come over.
 After five more minutes, when I fed Meredith, Madi finally came downstairs. She looked stunning! She is wearing my light blue blouse and black skirt which is with the top over the bottom from the blouse. [ dhttp://1.bp.blogspot.com/-y5QOoEFG_Rc/UvGLW1D8ijI/AAAAAAAAwtk/aaaP5igCs4U/s1600/Taylor+Swift+Taylor+Swift+Mom+Shopping+Antiques+692iUC4RnRxx.jpg ]
She had some light red lipstick and some mascara on and she was wearing my RED keds. "Why are you staring at me?" she asked. Oops. That was really wrong. "Nothing, you just look amazing! And they aren't too big?" I asked. "Only a bit, but you barely see it, I guess. I always loved your style. You wear the best clothes and it is actually funny how people think that it's crazy that you buy clothes in normal stores instead of ordering clothes from designers who are really famous." Madi said. I laughed. It's true, I buy and order my clothes mostly at the H&M store. Their clothes are just so amazing.
 "Well, my parents are in their car right in front of this building, so let's go. We are going to shop a bit!" I said while I take my sunglasses. "Do you also want sunglasses?" I asked Madi. "Do you have more?" she answered with a question. As my answer, I walked to the living room and got there some more sunglasses. "Choose one." I say and we both laugh at just the small part of all my sunglasses.


After like ten minutes, we are at Starbucks. I'm glad I'm wearing sunglasses and there is barely any paps. The only thing right now is hoping they realize that the girl with me, is the girl from the shit story of last night. We ordered some coffee and I ordered for Madi something to eat too. Not something big, just something so she eats. We are going to eat in the car, which has tinted windows, so we can eat and drink in rest.
 "Madi, here is something to eat." I say while I give her what I bought her. She looks at me with wide eyes. "It isn't much. I don't say you have to eat it at once... But just eat it. Trust me, it is fine." I say and I kiss her on her forehead and then hug her, kinda. For so far that is possible with coffee in your hands. My parents just stay quiet and drink and eat what they ordered and I decided to let Madi, and get to drink my coffee without looking at the fragile girl so she would hopefully be more comfortable.


After everyone, even Madi, had finished their little breakfast, we drive to the pet shop where I got Meredith from. There aren't many pet shops where they sell Scottish Folds, but I know this one does. "Are you going to buy a kitten like Meredith?" Madi asks. I nod. "They are so fluffy and adorable." I smile. "Aren't you scared Meredith will be jealous if you get a new kitten?" Madi asks. She can be full of questions, I noticed that. But I don't mind; I love her already. I feel connected to her. "We take that risk, yes. But it will turn out fine anyway. If Meredith can't deal with the new kitten, we just separate them from each other as long as there is nobody else with them." I say.
 We get in the pet shop and there are only three Scottish Folds. There's a black one, an orange-white one, and a full white one. Madi immediately ran to the three kittens and stroked all of them. "O my God, they are so adorable! Especially the white one!" she said. My parents just stay and talk with the employee while I walk to Madi and check on the kittens. "You prefer the white one?" I ask. She nods. "She is so cute, like a little snowball." she says dreaming. "Than it is gonna be the white one." I say. She looks at me. "Are you serious? You choose the white one because I prefer that kitten?" she asks. I nod. "Sure. You are staying with me and I love all three of them, so I'm actually also really glad you immediately made a choice." I said. I lifted up the white kitten and gave her to Madi. "Let's pay for the little sweetheart." I said. "Thank you, Taylor. You are even more amazing than I thought you were." Madi said and she hugged me before I could walk to the employee to pay. I hugged her yet back. "I love you, Madi. You'll always be welcome wherever I am." I say. She needs someone anyway and I am that person now. She needs me now... I need her now...


This story suddenly got so... popular... without me even posting it... Idk how! Omg, you guys are amazing. Uhm... This chapter turned out longer than I expected. And I decided to bring already Olivia in it, because... I just want to have two kittens in it XD
 This chapter is also dedicated to @arry_bell13 because of the comment for idea's! Without that comment, this chapter wouldn't have almost 2k words. Thanks!
So if you want an update, faster and longer, than comment idea's...

I got some questions anyway:

-What about the storyline with Madi's grand mom and her dad?
-What about the style descriptions?
-What about Madi singing? Should that turn into a story line? Maybe that Taylor learns her to play instruments etc.
-What about the RED tour? Should it continue or getting cancelled and a line about Taylor feeling sorry for the fans who already bought their tickets?

- ANY other idea's? Everything is welcome.

Next update, will be fast, after:

-5 til 10 comments, with at least one or two idea-comments
-5 til 10 votes, because it makes me more motivated to write

Love you guys!!! xxx

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