#8 - Last Kiss

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Taylor POV

I make a breakfast while Madi is dressing in the bathroom. Madi had barely slept last night because of nightmares about her dad and her grandmom, which caused me to barely sleep as well. Madi only fell asleep one hour before the alarm went off because Olivia made her feel okay.

 I sit down on the couch and hear Madi coming out of the bathroom and sitting next to me. She looks so pretty. She's wearing a white blouse with half-sleeves and a collar, with there under a white skirt with a blue flower print on it (see pic on the side) and she has her hair normal. Further she has a bit make-up on, like mascara and a bit of red lipstick.

 "You look pretty, Madi." I say while I hug her and plant a kiss on her head. "Thanks." she answers. "How are you feeling?" "I don't know... I don't know or I feel something. I feel kinda numb." Madi answers. She sighs. I give her a plate with breakfast. "Here, eat. You need it for today." I say. It's a sandwich with only healthy things on it. Madi looks at the sandwich in disgust. "There are only healthy things on it. It won't make you fat, sweetheart." I say while I see the fight in her eyes. "I don't want to eat..." she says. "But Madi, you have to eat. Think about what your grandmom would have you doing, if she knew about your problems. She would love it if you try to eat, for her." I say. I get through her wall, I just see it. "I'm sorry, I just can't..." Madi says and she puts the plate away. I look at her but I know she won't eat it. I have no idea how I can help her with this problem, but I'll ask Demi to come over soon... "Do you want a coffee than?" I ask Madi. "Eventually..." she answers. "We'll go to Starbucks than." I say. I think it might be smart to make her drink if she doesn't want to eat. So she yet gets some calories.


 I dressed after my breakfast was finished. While I dressed into a white with black dotted tee shirt with a collar and there under a purple skirt [http://www.niusnews.com/upload/imgs/default/14MayCH/Flats/6.jpg]

was Madi giving Meredith and Olivia their food and my parents came over. We had to be at the funeral as first. I had no idea how much more people would come, probably some old friends of Madi's grandmom, but because Madi was the most important contact on the list and my parents and I took care of her, we were allowed to see her grandmom before the coffin would get closed.

 Madi wasn't feeling fine at all, I could notice the way she was pulling at everything. I just knew her a couple of days, yet I felt like we knew each other for much longer. Is it selfish to think about adopting her, even though there might be a chance she has to go back to her dad, or maybe to a foster family? The entire drive was really silent, but my mind kept racing. I swear, if it was a real race I would have won it.

 Once we had said goodbye to Madi's grandma, we found out there were a couple of old friends attending the funeral. Some of those "old friends" from Madi's grandma even had their grandchildren with them, because Madi's grandma turned out to baby-sit on them sometimes. When the grandchildren saw me, their sad mood left and made place for a smile. I couldn't say no to them when some of them asked for a picture and autograph, because their day already is so sad, so it couldn't be a bad thing to take pictures and sign some things to cheer them up.

 After this crazy thing with the grandchildren, I made sure Madi didn't leave my eye so she couldn't do things she would regret. It was time to get in the area to hold the funeral. There were around 30 people; much more than I expected. But well, that seems to happen when you are an amazing babysitter.

 While the funeral started with a song and a little talk from a stranger, I softly asked Madi something. "Madi, what would you think about singing Last Kiss together?" Madi looked up at me with tearful eyes, but yet so bright. She nodded and hugged me. When the first song and pictures for a silent moment started, I signed to the man who did the funeral. I whispered about the performing idea and he agreed. He could find the karaoke version right away and after a bit more talking, it was our turn to sing for Madi's grandmother....

 Madi and I stood next to the coffin. I nodded to Madi, as a sign she was allowed to start. I already imagined the feelings that would be in her voice. I just hoped she wouldn't burst out in tears.

 The music started and after the intro, this fragile voice started.

 "I still remember the look on your face

Lit through the darkness at 1:58

The words that you whispered for just us to know

You told me you loved me so why did you go away, away"

Madi sang with so much feelings. Not like she thought about a boy... she definitely thought about her grandmom...

Than it was my turn.

"I do recall now the smell of the rain

Fresh on the pavement, I ran off the plane

That July 9th the beat of your heart

It jumps through your shirt, I can still feel your arms"

I changed the image of a boy leaving me, for Madi's grandma. Than we sang in harmony...

"But now I'll go sit on the floor wearing your clothes

All that I know is I don't know

How to be something you'd miss

Never thought we'd have a last kiss

Never imagined we'd end like this

Your name, forever the name on my lips"

Everyone started crying, even though some grandchildren were filming the performance. I had some tears streaming down my face and so had Madi.

"So I'll watch your life in pictures like I used to watch you sleep

And I'll feel you forget me like I used to feel you breathe

And I'll keep up with our old friends just to ask them how you are

Hope it's nice where you are"

And than I let Madi sing alone...

"And I hope the sun shines and it's a beautiful day

And something reminds you, you wish you had stayed

We can plan for a change in weather and time

I never planned on you changing your mind

So, I'll go, sit on the floor wearing your clothes

All that I know is I don't know

How to be something you'd miss

I never thought we'd have our last kiss

Never imagined we'd end like this

Your name, forever the name on my lips

Just like our last kiss, forever the name on my lips

Forever the name on my lips, just like our last kiss"

I asked the man from the funeral to open the coffin for one last time... He did... And at the end of the song, Madi gave her grandma a last... kiss....


Hello, I'm sorry for not updating for so so long! But having school makes me feel like not-writing, you know? I don't want that pressure to write when I have to study and make homework and those things. But yesterday during Technology at school, a classmate came and told she had wattpad too and I added her and that made me wanna write a new chapter today. I had a part of this chapter already written in the summer vacation and that is... ages ago! Again, I'm sorry for barely ever updating. I'm just not good at matching hobbies when I got things like school. Screw school :P

Anyway, am I the only one who's litteraly dying everytime I see pictures of one of Taylor's 1989 secret listening sessions?! There happened literally so many things in the past weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 17 days til 1989! Excited!

Have a nice 1989 era!! <13

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