Chapter 2-Meet the gang

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Infinity's P.O.V

One week later

I was awoken by a crash downstairs. That's probably Paul my brother, he's 3 years older than me and goes to Harvard. He's definitely the brains in the family! He's like me in looks: tall, dark brown hair, browny/hazel eyes, we get mistaken as twins a lot which annoys him because he wants to be all adulty and mature! I live in a flat with him in Florida now thanks to my....dilemma back home.  I suddenly realised that it was my first day at Blackwell secondary school. I looked sideways at my alarm clock and jumped up when I saw the time. 7:38! School started at 8 and it's a 15 minute walk! I rushed downstairs and put some bread in the toaster. Running back upstairs as fast as I could I searched for my comfortable skinny jeans and royal blue, tie-died hockey t-shirt. Blackwell didn't have a uniform and I was glad! Once I was dressed and ready to go I picked up my toast and yelled goodbye to Paul, sprinting for as long as I could towards the school to save as much time as possible.

Bring, bring, bring the school bell went off just as I darted into reception. As I collected my timetable and planner I couldn't help but notice that it wasn't a normal school. Not being judgemental but when you see a first year girl handing out what looked like drugs at a lemonade stool right outside the principles get the wrong impression!

"Hi! You must be new, I'm Nevaeh!" I spun around and gaped at the girl who stood in front of me. She had black skin tight jeans on, a loose Beatles t-shirt that cut off just above her belly button showing her piercing which was a dream catcher and as I looked up to see her face I saw she had lip piercing too. Her deadly blue eyes shone bright and ombrè hair was perfect.

"Uhh...hi did you know I was new?" I stuttered nervously.

"Well you have no piercings or tattoos as far as I can see. You're wearing comfortable jeans and school bag is well...with you!"  She extended her arm out for a handshake and I shook her hand trembling slighty. Out from behind the corner of the reception a boy with dark hair and tanned skin came walking casually towards us. He also wore black jeans and a t-shirt that read '5SOS Don't Stop!'.

"Hey baby!" he yelled at Nevaeh and she chuckled.

"That's my boyfriend Calum, he's a bit....crazy but you'll get used to him I promise!" Nevaeh glanced at me when she said this with a reassuring look. Calum grabbed Nevaeh by her hips from behind and kissed her neck softly. She giggled and turned around to face him placing her hands on his and turning him around so I was facing his back.

"Hi i'm Calum! I would shake your hand but I'm a little tied up..." as soon as he said 'tied up' Nevaeh spun him around again to show me that his hands were indeed tied up with his arms still around Nevaeh.  I thought he ment as in he didn't want to let go of his girlfriend! How did she do that? Why did she do that? How did she do it so fast?

"Ummm....should I ask why that happened or..." I started a little shocked.

"No you'll learn soon enough!" Calum said calmly. What did he mean I'll learn soon enough! What place have I been sent to...

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