From diss tracks to confessing

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Around an hour after my diss track went live, my phone vibrates for a notification. I quickly check it to see that Y/N has uploaded a video titled 'Reacting to Miniminter's Diss Track" *Sorry ahaha*' I smile slightly and click on the video then it starts.

"Ayo! What is up people and today, I'm sorry but we are doing another reaction video!" Then a 'boo' clip is inserted. "Yes, I know! I'm sorry okay? But I promise you guys this is the last reaction video for a while since I am going to be uploading some pretty big stuff in the next few days. Anyways, let's get into the reacting!" The video of her then goes into the top right-hand corner of the screen and my diss track begins to play. She makes comments throughout the video which cause me to laugh.

Eventually, the diss track finishes and her face cam enlarges and she has her mouth agape to what I can only guess is due to shock. Then suddenly she jumps up from her chair and is shouting "YO WHAT THE HELL SIMON?! THAT WAS JUST OH, MY GOD. I WAS NOT EXPECTING ALL OF THAT. OKAY SO THIS CAR IS SIMON'S DISS TRACK AND I'M HERE," she then edits in a car hitting a lamppost that swerves around after. She then takes a deep breath and her voice returns to its normal volume. "Alright, as you can tell. I really wasn't expecting that to occur because I mean tall, lovable, goofy friend Simoné has done that. He went there. Like Bethnal Green aka Marina Joyce. Woah, just woah bro." Y/N then zooms in the camera on her face. "Simon, bro. You being held for ransom by your evil twin. If yes start your next video with our handshake, the secret one. Also, if that is the case," the camera zooms out. "Hi, Simon's evil twin, care to give me some pointers on music or wanna collab?" She raises her eyebrows comically which causes me to stifle a slight laugh. 

The video then finishes after a few more minutes. I then click on her contact and call her. It goes to voicemail so I leave one saying. "Hey, watched your video and it was absolutely hilarious. Thanks for the comments as well, made me feel better about it being a diss track." I laugh then end the voicemail. It doesn't take long for her to reply luckily. 

'Oh geez, thanks! Literally when I saw you uploaded a diss track in itself shocked me so that's something, to say the least.' Then just after I read the text my phone screen changes to the interface that someone is calling me. It pops up with her face with double chins and I instantly press answer, my heart fluttering slightly when Y/N starts to speak. "Hey, Si, also that offer is a thing of doing a collab, not specifically music but I think you can catch my drift." Y/N then trails off awkwardly so I speak up. It's now or never Simon.

"Erm, I mean we could always do the Boyfriend does my makeup?" I ask, suddenly my palms grow slightly clammy so I wipe them on my shorts. A sudden squeal comes from the other end of the phone which causes me to jump slightly. 

"Are you serious? Like serious serious to do that?" She asks, her voice getting higher towards the end of the question. I laugh slightly.

"Yeah, look Y/N. I've liked you for a while and will you be my girlfriend?" I ask, my voice slightly trembling but masked by confidence. Another squeal comes from her end of the phone which is then followed by a series of yes in various pitches and languages.

"Sorry, it's just I've also liked you for a while Si. Well, you've also seen me fangirling as well so it can't be as bad as what just happened." She then laughs after and the actual sound brings joy to my ears. Before I know it I'm smiling from ear to ear and we're facetiming and her face basically replicates mine. Damn, I got lucky for definite and I hope that this is something that lasts a long time.

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