Cartref- A miniminter Imagine

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How in the hell did he talk me into this? How in the hell did Simon Minter convince me that him meeting my family was going to be amazing? Oh, wait it is if you completely ignore the fact that anxiety is eating me away. I mean, my family is great. But they can be rather, what's the word? Overbearing. That's the word that describes my family perfectly, like when I moved down south for Uni, they would be calling me up almost twice a day, don't get me wrong I love my family greatly but it just seems like they are always a factor in every situation, which not trying to be cruel, I just don't really want that. 

As of right now, we're at my childhood home staying the weekend since it is my older sister's wedding next week and we're getting preparations done and Simon offered to help out as well which was extremely generous of him. Everyone has been allocated certain tasks and S/N wanted me to do place cards with a fancy calligraphy look and she wanted me to make it due to me keeping a bullet journal and I've done a video a month of my theme and how to plan it for that month and what to do etc, so I think that's why she tasked me with doing this. 

I'm currently sat at my desk in my bedroom with all sorts of paper thrown about and calligraphy inks in front of me and other arty farty stuff dotted around the desk and the bedroom whilst my speaker is on full blast since it's just me in the house since everyone is out doing errands and Simon is grabbing some food from Tesco's. 

Once I am around three quarters through the pile I lean back in my seat and notice that it's been an hour since Simon left. I furrow a brow and I pick up my phone to go and call him then I realise that it's dead. "for fuck sake," I murmur under my breath and plug my phone into the charger then decide to go downstairs to grab a glass of milk. As I'm ambling down the stairs, I hear my older sister having a discussion with Simon? I decided to quietly get down the stairs and pass the living room since you can't see the stairs from the living room luckily. 

Just as I am about to enter the kitchen I hear S/N ask Simon. "What are your true feelings for my little sister then?" I suck in a breath slightly and freeze because I was really wanting to hear the answer. It's rude to eavesdrop on conversations though... Nevermind, I was never a polite 'lady' that my parents wanted to be anyways. 

"Honestly, I'm enamoured by your sister and one day I definitely want to marry her. Because literally as soon as she walks in the room it's like everything is easier and lighter I guess." I feel my cheeks fill with heat as he says that. I then head to the kitchen to grab my glass of milk and deciding I should ask none the wiser if Simon asks me if I heard the conversation between him and S/N.

As I'm pouring the milk into the glass I feel a pair of arms snake around me and instantly I know it's Simon. "Hey babe," I say as I screw on the lid for the milk carton. I then turn around so I'm facing him. He has a great grin on his face reaching from eye to eye. "Okay, what's got you so happy?" 

"I kinda learnt a bit of welsh and I want to show it to you," Simon says eagerly and then begins to speak once again "Ti yw fy cartref ac rwyf wrth fy modd chi." (You are my home and I love you.) Instantly I begin to tear up due to happiness and I swing my arms around Simon. 

"I love you too babe, so much and it's unreal!" 


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