Chapter 12

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Okay. Did Zoe just ran away? I mean I know that all the shit that people say in school are rumors, but I'm sure that the one that says that Zoe doesn't just cry for nothing and runs away is true. I mean I've been hanging out with Ashton and what I've heard from him it's all 'She's tough.', 'She doesn't back down from a fight.' and 'She doesn't cry or show affection to just anyone.'. I mean I'm pretty sure that what just happened was extremely unlike Zoe.

After I told the slutty girl who was flirting with me the whole time to pack up the food, I took it to the car and drove to school. If I do say so myself she has a pretty sick car. When I get to the school I hope that Zoe is already here. I really need to talk to her. Why is she like this? Also, I havn't asked her about the scars all over her body. Her eyes lately seem so blank. She looks like a zombie sometimes. Every time her phone buzzes she jumps as if she's afraid of the message. When she reads the texts I can see that sometimes anger flashes in her eyes or even fear. I want to help her. I don't know why, but I know she's broken and I know she needs help. And I don't want anyone else to brake her. That's why I fought that dick that defended Valery. If anyone here is going to be insulting anyone it should be Zoe insulting Valery. That girl puts Zoe through hell and I know that she can take care of herself, but I also know that the words hurt her. I really don't want to see Zoe get hurt. I like her. I really do.

When I get to the greenhouse no one's there. Zoe's no where to be seen. I'm starting to freak out. What if something happened to her? Plus, the prank thing. I don't believe that, but if she doesn't want to tell me there must be a reason. Right now I want to know who did that to her, because if I ever find out I'm going to kill them.

"Hey dude. Is Zoe around?" I turn around to see who the voice belongs to. It's a really big guy with a blue snake tattoo. He looks scary. I try not to look scared and stand up straight.

"She's not here right now. Anything I can do for you?" My voice really cold.

"No, but do tell her that Caleb hasn't forgotten her." He then turns around and leaves. Caleb? Who's that an ex or something? I guess I can't tell her until I see her.

After a lot of work it's finally time to leave. All I need is to get my work and go home. Should I get Zoe's too? I wonder where she's at? I texted her, but she didn't answer. I really need to know if she's okay. I guess I can pick up her work too and take it to her house. It's kind of a good excuse. So with that I go to every classroom and take notes for me and Zoe. I also get a few papers for homework. Finally, the last class. Music.

"Hey Ms. Cast any work for me?" Ms. Cast, our music teacher is the best teacher ever. 

"Oh, we should wait for Zoe, so you both hear this and I don't have to explain it twice."

"Oh she's not coming because she had to go home early."  I lie. Great.

"Well can you explain to her what I explain to you?" I nod. Yes a reason to stay longer at Zoe's.

"Well it's a 150 point assignment. The first 75 points are gained by performing a solo. You have to pick a song and dedicate it to someone you know. They don't necessarily need to be in the classroom. The other half is gained by performing a duet. You and Zoe are partners and the duet must be a song written by the both of you. Whoever I choose will perform at the Winter Formal." I look at her with wide eyes. So I have to sing with Zoe. I have to write a song with Zoe and most likely I have to dedicate a song to Zoe. I mean who else? Oh and I don't have a date to Winter Formal. Great. Maybe Zoe'll say yes. Wow Zoe has become something really important in my life.

"Okay Ms. Cast, anything else?" She shakes her head and dismisses me. Finally, I can head home. As I walk to my car I see the same guy from earlier standing on the other side of the parking lot. He's with another guy who has the same tattoo as him. They're both look at me and turn away. Okay. I think Zoe's in a bit of trouble.

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