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"Fluttershy, Fluttershy, Fluttershy can hardly fly!" the fillies and colts teased. Fluttershy couldn't recall if she ever felt as bad as then. All she wanted to do is pass her mid-term flight test and spend the rest of her life unnoticed. All the other kids breezed through the test easily, especially the rainbow maned filly. Fluttershy didn't cry too much when she returned home though, knowing the rest of her family had even the slightest of struggles when they were young. One thing that did lighten up her mood that day, was when the rainbow maned filly rescued her from the boy bullies.

"Hey Klutzershy, how did the clouds taste in your mouth after your little stumble you had back there?" Hoops said.

"Hehe, must've been windy falling at such a fast speed. Oh wait, you could barely get off the ground!" Dumb-Bell added. The two burst out laughing.

"Ey! Watch your mouths, fellas!" the rainbow maned filly called a distance away.

"It's the rainbow maned girl. She can't see you like this, Fluttershy! Come on, get your act together!" Fluttershy thought to herself.

"Well if it isn't Rainbow Crash! Looks like your little friend here wants to tell you somethin'!" Hoops yelled.

"Yeah, something like, 'Oh my, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean for you to see me like this! I'll go now, before you catch my 'Broken Wing' disease!'" Dumb-Bell continued. The two laughed even harder.

"Am I that readable?" Fluttershy began to worry.

"You two better shut your dirty little mareholes right now or else-"

"Or else what? Huh? You'll go home and tell your mommy that your Pegasus friend is an Earth pony?"

"That's it!" the rainbow maned filly zipped past Fluttershy in one long, rainbow streak and smashed right into the tan Pegasus known as Hoops, her hoof connecting with the center of his chest. Hoops was sent flying, a cry of pain as the last of his breaths escaped his lungs. 

"Not me too!" Dumb-Bell wailed as he took off. The rainbow maned filly calmed the breaths of her own as she descended onto the fluffy clouds. 

"Fluttershy, is it? I just wanted to let you know you've been doing great the past few weeks, and I can see how much you've progressed from the beginning of the school year."

"Do you really mean it? Why are you even doing this..."

"Hell yeah I mean it! I never saw anypony acknowledging your ability to fly, so might as well be the first one."

"What about the colts over there..."

"Oh them? Don't worry about them, they don't know how to fly well themselves... Anyway, the names Rainbow Dash... or you can call me whatever, I won't mind usually." Rainbow Dash helped Fluttershy up to her hooves. Fluttershy was so astonished, all she could do was stare.

"Ya alright?" Rainbow asked.

"Yeah, yeah... I'm just so... bewildered... by you..." Fluttershy barely responded.

"I never heard that word before, 'bewildered', but whatever it means... thanks!" 

"Oh, and thank you, Rainbow Dash. I really... I really appreciate it."

"No prob. I'll see ya around...?"

"Ye... yeah."

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