Chapter 9: Disc

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"UGH!" Fluttershy exclaimed. "Why does Rainbow have to fall for Vinyl like that!"

Fluttershy laid on her bed on her back, and a few of her most trusted animals were gathered around the bed. Angel Bunny hopped up onto her mattress and sympathetically stroked her mane.

"It would've been better if Vinyl was into somepony else!" Then Fluttershy's eyes lit up.

"Or maybe she will be..."

Rainbow glared into her cloud-framed mirror, washing her face for the third time.

"Okay, okay. Don't screw this up. Just be casual." Rainbow mumbled to herself. It was hot out, so she tied her mane into a bun.

"No! Then she'll think you don't care!" Undoing it, Rainbow peered at herself one more time, then grabbed some Bits and headed out.

A few hundred feet below, Vinyl sprang up from a slumber.

"Oh, is it time already?!" Vinyl panicked. She looked around. "Octavia? Octavia!" No answer.

"She probably went to the Ponyville Grocery." Vinyl presumed. She crossed over to Octavia's side of the house and trotted down the stairs. Vinyl reached the bottom and saw the power light of her speakers was on.

"Aw, damn. I left it on again..." Vinyl said in shame. "I can't forget to turn it off before taking a nap..." She walked over to turn it off. "Speaking of forgetting... didn't i forget something somewhere..." Vinyl pondered for a few minutes. "Uh... OH! That's right! My vinyl record! It was at Fluttershy's after she needed to test her new phonograph!" Vinyl grabbed her disc bag and headed for the halved door of the Vinyl and Octavia residence.

"Oh, wait! I need to meet Rainbow Dash for lunch like I said!" Vinyl looked around for some Bits to pay for her food. She took an extra 10 minutes looking for enough money, just to find some in her disc bag on her shoulder. Vinyl quickly glanced at the clock. It was 20 past noon. "AH! I'm already late, and I still have to stop by at Fluttershy's...!" Vinyl dashed out of the door to Fluttershy's, which was not too far.

"I should really learn how to teleport one of these days..." Vinyl said to herself.

Rainbow sat at an empty table, alone. It was 12:30.

"Oh... where is she... did I misunderstand the time... oh..." Rainbow worried. Then she gasped. She thought she saw a white and blue streak gallop by. "D... did Vinyl just... run past? Maybe it was just my imagination..."

Vinyl finally arrived at Fluttershy's cottage, out of breath. She knocked on the wooden door. Multiple padded footsteps were heard, and the door opened.

"Hey, Fluttershy! Hopefully you weren't too busy..."

"Dj Pon3! Perfect timing! Come on in, if you want..." Fluttershy welcomed.

"Perfect timing-?"

"Are you here for the vinyl record?" Fluttershy quickly asked.

"Yes I am. How did it do on the phonograph?" Vinyl responded as she stepped in.

"Oh, it was great! Thank you so much!" Fluttershy said as she handed back the disc.

"Anytime. Well, I'm going to get some lunch with Rainbow..."

"Oh cool, where are you going?" Fluttershy said before Vinyl could walk outside. She already knew where Vinyl was going, but wanted to tell her something else. Vinyl turned around.

"Huh? I'm going to The Hayburger."

"Oh, nice...! I-I passed by there earlier today and I just saw you and Octavia together... and..."

Vinyl's ears perked up.

"Oh... I just wanted to tell you that you and Octavia look really... really cute together."

Intensely blushing, Vinyl was confused. "W-whaddya mean...?"

"I don't want to be rude or anything..." Fluttershy began. "But I really think you should say something to Octavia."

Vinyl tried to hide her face from how red she was.

"I... I mean... if you're confident and stuff... I think you two would be perfect for each other." Fluttershy suggested.

Vinyl tried to speak. She never gets this embarrassed in front of other ponies. "Y-you really think so...?"

Fluttershy warmly smiled. "Of course."

"B-but we are just friends..." Vinyl said.

"Well, friendships can turn into something closer..." Fluttershy assured.

Vinyl stood straight and faced Fluttershy. "You're right. I... I guess I've never realized it before..." Vinyl's expression softened. "Thank you, very much."

Fluttershy was glad. She did it. "You're welcome. I believe in you!" She gently exclaimed.

"Well, I'm off. I'll see you around..." Vinyl said as she trotted out of the cottage.

"I'm happy to help!" Fluttershy finally said. She did it. Now that Vinyl knows she's into Octavia, she'll be impenetrable to Rainbow. Once Rainbow finds out she's taken, she'll be running to Fluttershy with an empty heart, and Fluttershy will fill it.


It seems like we have here a pony that's up for bad times. RIP IN PEACE RD IVE ALWAYS LOVED YOU!


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