Chapter 10: Lunch

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Rainbow looked up. A waitress looked down at her, confused.

"Are you alright? You've been sitting alone for almost an hour."

Rainbow gloomily looked down again. "Yeah, I'm fine. I was just waiting for somepony..."

Rainbow slowly got up and headed for the door when a white unicorn stopped her in her path.

"V-Vinyl!?" Rainbow shouted, confused and relieved.

Vinyl was panting, out of breath. "H...hey, Rainbow! I'm so... so sorry...!"

Rainbow's wrinkled face softened. "No... no... i-it's OK! I'm glad you came!"

"I just had to get something from Fluttershy..." Vinyl said, catching her breath.

"Oh... Fluttershy?" Rainbow responded, leading her to the table she previously sat at. "S-speaking of Fluttershy..."

"Welcome to the Hayburger, are you ponies ready to order?" The waitress said, assuming they would be ready after how long Rainbow was waiting there.

"We just sat down, so can yo-" Rainbow began, when she was interrupted by Vinyl. "Hehe... don't mind her..." she said, as she ordered some food to share. The waitress trotted away after taking their order, and they resumed their conversation.

"O-oh yeah..." Rainbow continued, nervous still. "Yesterday, at my party, F-Fluttershy said..." Rainbow brought her tone down to a whisper. "that she likes me."

Vinyl eyes widened. "Really...? You're lucky to have somepony like that to admire you so much. Fluttershy is a good pony. I wish I had somepony who liked me as she likes you."

"Oh, there is certainly somepony who admires you as much!" Rainbow though to herself.

"Yeah, but I couldn't say I l-liked her back... I've been her lifelong friend, and I just wished it stayed that way..."

Vinyl's face changed with a sign of sympathy. "Oh... don't worry about it. I'm sure you guys will be fine... right?

Rainbow became curious. "Oh? You've turned someone down before?"

Vinyl laughed. "Hehe.. no... it's not that... it's just... I've liked somepony for a while too..."

Rainbow's eyes lit up. "It's going to be me. It's going to be me." She hoped.

Vinyl blushed. "To be honest, I've just known them ever since they moved to Ponyville..."

Rainbow became even more excited, especially since she has known Vinyl ever since Rainbow moved to Ponyville. "It has to be me. It has to be-" She was practically on the table from how much she was leaning forward in her chair.

"She's brave, loyal, and always glad to see me no matter what." Vinyl continued.

Rainbow nearly squealed with excitement. "So who is it?!?"


"Here's your food ma'am." The waitress said, setting down a tray of their food. 

"Thank you!" Vinyl said. Turning back towards Rainbow, Vinyl said, "It's Octavia."

Rainbow froze. Not even a single thought went through her head. Rainbow leaned back in her chair, blankly staring directly in front of her. 

"R... Rainbow?" Vinyl asked. "Hello?" She waved her hoof in from of her face. "Hello... Equestria to Rainbow..."

"Thanksforlunch." Rainbow mumbled, slowly getting out of her chair.

Vinyl looked at Rainbow in disbelief as she walked towards the door. "Uh- you didn't even eat... Rainbow? Hey... Rain-" 

Rainbow Dash was already out the door. 

"She's going to make me pay for all of this when she was the one inviting me here..." Vinyl said to herself looking down at the tray of food. "Welp... might as well eat all of this, I rarely eat lunch anyway..."


Sorry for the late chapter. I was taking a short break from writing but I've returned! Rip Rainbow... guess she had it coming. Well, nothing much to say here, except make sure to read the next chapter! It'll be a good one! Anyway, thank you all who've stayed with me through this!


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