Chapter 11: Rehabilitation

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Rainbow ran as fast as she could. "Why...why must it be this way..." Rainbow said in her head. She couldn't think, blindly running. Running as far away as possible. She didn't even bother flying, one of the most important aspects of who she is. A strong wind suddenly began blowing, and clouds covered the sunny afternoon sky. Rainbow was partially blinded from the tears streaming from her eyes. She didn't care, she just ran. Running from reality. She just wanted to escape. Rainbow powered on, approaching Fluttershy's cottage. Rainbow subconsciously turned, heading for Fluttershy's front terrace, knowing that Fluttershy will be there to comfort her. Rainbow galloped up the winding path, the violent breeze flowing through her mane.

"F... F... FlutterSHYYY!" Rainbow yelled, gasping between each breath, her voice barely audible from the howling winds. "Flutter..."

The much-too-familiar cottage door slowly squeaked open. "D...Dash?!" Fluttershy exclaimed, trying to act surprised. She was glad her plan worked out just like she wanted it, but didn't expect Rainbow to be this heartbroken. "H-here... come inside... let me take care of you..."

Rainbow was sitting on her velvet chair, across from the sofa. Still sniffling, her eyes were puffy from sobbing, and her mane was all ruffled, leaves and twigs sticking out of it. A warm blanket that Fluttershy gave Rainbow was wrapped around her, covering her entire body besides her face. Fluttershy warmed up the tea in the foam cup from her meeting with Starlight for her. It was still and ambient, the occasional whistle from the wind from outside. Usually Fluttershy had all of her lamps on, but in times like this, she only kept one on, for the indirect lighting.

"Dash... are you okay...?" Fluttershy said in the most soothing tone, looking directly into Rainbow's watery eyes with concern. Rainbow remained quiet, blankly staring at the ground. Fluttershy waited for a response, even a sound or change of expression, but there was nothing from the empty Rainbow Dash. Maybe the plan didn't work out after all. Maybe Rainbow just came to Fluttershy's for nothing. Extremely disappointed, Fluttershy turned from Rainbow. She slowly and sulkily walked away from her, heading for the sofa to lay on.

"W... wait..." Rainbow softly said.

Fluttershy's ears shot up.

"F... Flutter..." Rainbow began, slowly unraveling from her blanket and sliding off her chair. Fluttershy swiftly came over right before Rainbow fell, and caught her in her arms. Fluttershy wasn't nearly as expectant as before, because of how quiet Rainbow was. She was never this quiet. If Rainbow would say anything, Fluttershy would be happy.

"Flutter... shy... your mane is... so soft..." Rainbow whispered, caressing it. "My heart... shouldn't be this soft... I'm such an idiot..." Fluttershy was about to say something, but decided it would be best to just listen.

"An idiot... for thinking Vinyl... Vinyl would love somepony... she doesn't even know... like me..." Rainbow continued. Fluttershy wanted, so badly, to comfort her, but she knew listening was best for now. Rainbow nested her head deeper in Fluttershy's lap, making her furiously blush.

"I just want somepony to love... a pony to love me back... I just-" Rainbow abruptly stopped.

Fluttershy was breathing heavily. Now was the time. Fluttershy held her breath, waiting for it. Rainbow wiped her tears in Fluttershy's lap, and looked up into her wide open eyes.

"Fluttershy..." Rainbow began. She placed a hoof on Fluttershy's chest. "I... love you."

Fluttershy's eyes snapped open. She was in her bed. "W-was it..." Her heart dropped. "...all a dream?" Tears swelled up in her eyes. "I knew it... it wouldn't be that easy..." Fluttershy lay back down and put her face in her pillow. "FUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!!" She screamed into her pillow.

"H...hello? Was that you, Fluttershy?"

Fluttershy lifted her head from the pillow. The voice awfully sounded like Rainbow's.

"D-dash?" Fluttershy asked, peering over her blankets. Rainbow was on the floor, leaning on her mattress.

"WHA-" Fluttershy jumped. "DASH?!"

Rainbow was rubbing her eyes, clearly waking up from a deep slumber. "Oh... hey Fluttershy..." Rainbow said.

Fluttershy was so confused. "Dash... w... why are you here?"

"Uh... don't you remember last night...? I was all sad... and then I..." Rainbow blushed. "I confessed..."

Fluttershy sat there for a moment, her jaw hanging. "So... it wasn't a dream...?"

Rainbow looked up at her. "I don't know... it probably wasn't if you dreamt of you letting me l-lay in you lap..."

Fluttershy felt like she was floating. "It did really happen." She thought. She was so relieved. "Dash did really say she loved me."

"S-so why am I here, then?" Fluttershy asked.

"Oh... hehe... after I... confessed... you blacked out... so I took you to your bed, and I stayed here to make sure you weren't dead or anything... and I kind of fell asleep..."

Fluttershy's heart was filled with warmth. "Awe... thanks, Dash."

Rainbow looked away, a hoof behind her head.

"I was kinda bummed, though... cause I couldn't get a... a response." Rainbow said. "Um... Fluttershy?"

"W-what is it...?"

"D-do you still like me?"

Fluttershy gasped. In her calm, gentle voice, she responded. "Of course, Dash. I love you."


Guys, who are still reading this, I'm sorry to say, but we only have a couple chapters left... but don't worry! I'm sure you'll like the next one... anyway...


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