Chapter 12: Assurance

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In her calm, gentle voice, she responded. "Of course, Dash. I love you."

Rainbow looked back, the biggest smile on her face.

"FLUTTERSHY!" Rainbow pushed off from the floor and lunged at Fluttershy, embracing her in a warm, tight hug. "Soooo soft..." Rainbow said immaturely, burying her face in Fluttershy's mane.

Rainbow was practically laying on top of Fluttershy, the early morning sun shining on the bed. Rainbow raised her head to look at Fluttershy, who was looking away, furiously blushing. Rainbow looked down, and saw Fluttershy's hooves covering between her thighs. Rainbow looked back up, confused. Then it came to her. She was almost pinning Fluttershy to the bed. Rainbow also blushed, embarrassed from just realizing it now. She climbed off, allowing Fluttershy to sit up. 

"I'm... I'M SORRY!" Rainbow quickly apologized.

"No... it's ok... I-I kinda... liked it." Fluttershy murmured.

"O...oh..." Rainbow slowly got crawled towards Fluttershy again, allowing her and and Fluttershy to meet at eye level again. Rainbow hesitated, glancing away. "You... you sure about this...?" 

"Yeah... i-it's fine." Fluttershy managed to say, glancing the other way and turning bright red.  Looking back at each other in utter embarrassment, the love-struck ponies synchronously closed their eyes, leaning in for a passionate kiss. Fluttershy quickly flashed back to drunk Rainbow. She didn't taste like apples or alcohol, and it made so much of a difference. "She actually means it this time."  Rainbow quickly pulled back her head, trying not to make eye contact with Fluttershy.

"I- uh..." Rainbow tried forming her words. Fluttershy smiled. 

"It's okay Dashie. I'm listening." 

"I'm sorry this is so s-sudden..! I never realized how happy someone I knew could... could make me..."

"Don't worry. The past is the past. All... that matters is here and now and I'm happy too." Fluttershy's throat closed up from saying something so bold like that. "If-" Rainbow cut her off.

"So what you're saying is..." Rainbow's cheeks were flushed. "Is that you'll always accept me?" Rainbow locked eyes with Fluttershy, who directed all of her attention to her. 

"Of course, Dashie. I l-"

"THEN I LOVE YOU FLUTTERSHY!" Rainbow shouted. "I ALWAYS WILL NO MATTER WHAT!" Fluttershy couldn't bear hearing those words without exploding in tears.

"I love you too." She sniffled. "Rainbow Dash."

Thank you to everyone who read my story from years ago. I really appreciate how many people this got to. I wrote to my hearts content, and people added it to their library, commented on it, asked for more of where I put my creative outlet. I'm sorry to say this is the last chapter, but I really thank you. I'm gonna start another story now, where I fuel more of my feelings like I did this one. I hope to see you there too!

Thank you all, once again. :)


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