Chapter 6: Solution

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Fluttershy flapped her wings and flew without doubt. She brightly looked ahead, towards Central Ponyville. As she flew, Twilight's crystal castle appeared. She slowed and spotted Spike sweeping outside the castle.

"Hello, Spike." Fluttershy gently said. "How are you?"

Spike turned around and wiped sweat off his forehead. "Hey, Fluttershy! What brings you here?"

"I was looking for Twilight. Is she inside?" Fluttershy responded.

"Nope. She went to Pinkie's. She needed a batch of cupcakes... or somethin'." Spike looked around. "But I think Starlight's here."

Starlight was still somepony to talk to. "Thanks, Spike." Out of her good mood, Fluttershy gave Spike a friendly peck on the cheek, making Spike redder than the apples of Sweet Apple Acres. Fluttershy turned away and swung open the doors of the castle.

Fluttershy wandered the giant, crystal hallways of the castle. Starlight had to be around here somewhere. What would she be doing at this time of day? She heard something get knocked over. Fluttershy hurried to the source of the sound, the kitchen, to find Starlight on the floor, covered in cookie dough.

"Starlight!" Fluttershy said in a concerning voice. "Are you okay?"

Starlight looked up and chuckled. "Hey, Fluttershy. Could I have... uh... a little help, please?"

"Of course!" Fluttershy helped her up and gave her a roll of paper towels. "What's all the cookies for?"

Starlight got the last of the cookie dough out of her mane. "It's for Rainbow's 100th Wonderbolts training session. Since she didn't like Pinkie's special pies, we figured we'd have cupcakes and cookies. What brings you here?"

Fluttershy was alarmed, but calmed herself. "I came here to find T-twilight, but I mainly wanted somepony to t-talk to..." Then Fluttershy bring her voice to a whisper. "About my secret crush."

Starlight widened her eyes. "O-oh... well..." Starlight's expression went back to normal. "Twilight shouldn't be very long... maybe she'll be back in 15-20 minutes."

"No, I mean n-now." Fluttershy said in a tiny voice. "If that's okay with you..."

Starlight didn't hesitate. "Come with me." She lead Fluttershy into an empty room and brought some supplies for tea.

Fluttershy and Starlight sat across from each other on the stiff, crystal chairs, as Starlight prepared tea on the small table between them. "So, who's this somepony?" Starlight said in a strong voice, giving Fluttershy a clever smile. "Where is he from?"

"Uh... it's actually a mare." Fluttershy said. She grabbed some tea and took a sip. Tea always made Fluttershy feel more comfortable. "It's... uh... Rainbow Dash."

Starlight brought a hoof up to he face to cover her mouth from gasping. "Really?"


"Sorry, it just surprised me." Starlight levitated a cup of tea to her mouth to drink. "How is she?"

A dreamy look went across Fluttershy's face. "She's so nice, and beautiful, and-" She stopped herself. "She's alright. But... I want to not like her." Fluttershy looked down. "I just... I just don't know how. That's why I wanted to talk to somepony, like you."

"Oh, I see..." Starlight thought for a bit. "Are you looking for disconnecting completely with Rainbow? Or you still want to stay friends with her?"

"I still want to be friends. She's one of my only best friends... actually... um..." Fluttershy said.

"That's a tough one... let's see..." Starlight thought harder. "Maybe... think of all the bad things about her-"

"No!" Fluttershy refused. "I am not doing that."

"How about... I can find a spell that will make you not like Rainbow at all-"

"No! Not that either."

Starlight remained silent for a bit, then her face lit up. "Didn't you say she wouldn't like you back?"

Fluttershy hesitated. "Uh... yeah. I did."

"And you're positive about it?"

"Pretty sure."

"Okay... so why don't you just tell her how you feel?" Starlight suggested in a reassuring voice. "If you're sure she won't like you back, then telling her will probably make your all your desires vanish!"

Fluttershy considered that. "T-thank you, Starlight."

"No problem! Uh... would you like to join us at Rainbow's party later today?" Starlight said. "Maybe it'll give you a chance to talk to her."

Fluttershy still had even the slightest determination to rid of her feelings for Rainbow. "I'll... I'll try."

"Well... see you this evening!" Starlight said.

Fluttershy hopped off the chair. "A-alright! Um... can I have the rest of this tea...? Hehe..."

"Of course!" Starlight said as she poured the rest of the tea into a foam to-go cup.

"Thank you." Fluttershy warmly said and she walked out of the room.


Pls forgive me for all of this being so complicated! Remember, everything has its reason! Hopefully you're catching on. The next chapter is based on Season 6's "Dungeons & Discords", so if you haven't watched it, go ahead now: or read the summary here:

Ok cya!!

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