Chapter 5

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Unfortunately for us, our own little universe was shortly lived. The sounds of chatty paparazzi and camera clicks sounded off in my ear like a bell.

"Well...BYE!" I waved quickly before running around him, away from the hounds as the chashed. I felt like I was in one of those hollywood movies, where the new pop star is being chased by the paparazzi, a montage showing of her running while some cliche pop song plays in the background. I wish thats how this could have went down because I was so done running. I was getting lost, I had no idea where I was going, and to top it off I had these picture hounds after me. Life sucks for me.

The roar of a motorcycle blasted my ears like rock music as a sleek black and silver bike came up to me.

"Need a lift?" The biker, asked producing an extra helmet. He opened to eye mask and revealed his face. It was the boy from earlier!

Without hesitating, I grabbed hold of the helment, jumped onto the bike and wrapped my arms around him. He let the engine roar like a mighty lion and popped a small wheelie before letting the wind carry us away. In the distance, the paps tried to take pictures of the ongoing seen but we were too far away for their cameras to even get a close shot at us.

"Where do you live?" His voice muffle against the gust of wind and the helmet.

"Brighton Villa!" I screamed back at him, hopefully he understood.

We reached the gates of the Villa, the golden gates seemed to tower over us like guards of a castle, which was somewhat true...

"You can stop here. I doubt they will you in...Not that theres anything wrong with you its just...well..."I stuttered but he interjected. "Stuck up rich folks with prissy kids and huge houses and would be completely disgusted if they saw some teenage dirtbag."

I laughed at his comment and nodded "Exactly." The boy took of the helment, revealing his face to me once again, his golden eyes shining like a diamond.

"I'm Luke. Luke Brody." He stuck out his hand that was covered in dirt and oil.

"I'm...." Before I could say my name a shrilled voice called me.

"Ms. Chase! Where have you been? Your mother is worried sick!" Ms. Winters came scuttling out, her heels clicked against the marble concrete. The gates opened their mouth to let me in.

"I gotta go. Thanks for the ride!" I said before rushing inside.

"Wait you never told me your name!" He shouted at me. Before I could say anything, I was pulled away by Winters and into the Villa. the boy disappearing .

"Clarke! Your back! Thank Godness!" Meredith shrieked, placing her small but firm arms around me and squeezing tight. "Honey don't ever do that again! You understand me?! You could have gotten hurt or worst the paparazzi could have gotten you! Dear lord!"

I could only stand there and look at her like she hand four heads because honestly it wasn't that big of a deal. I did it all the time back home. Well that was mostly because the paparazzi there weren't picture hounds like these people but still nothing bad had happened.

After Meredith had finally calmed down, putting back that plastic barbie doll smile on, she told me to start my homework and that later we will be attending a gala in honor of her buissness. Greaaat!

I stood on the golden hue tileing, my navy blue dress touching the floor gently, sweeping as I rocked on my heels. Meredith and Maeve stood on either side of me, gazing out as well at the crowed of people like queens looking over there country.

Mr. and Mrs. Novak approached us with their All american pretty boy Bryce. Blach!

"Oh Kelly! Richard! What a suprise!" Meredith greeted them, hugging them both. "Clarke. Maeve. Say hello." Meredith instructed us. Really? Does she think we are five?

Bryce came up to me, taking my hand and kissing the top of it. I wanted to retreated it but restrained myself. "Clarke." He said, his voice low ad sounded somewhat seductive. Meredith nudged me when I didn't reply right away.

"Bryce." I said sharply. Maeve snorted at Bryce's reaction but covered it up. Bryce and I stood facing each other, he towered over me.

"Oh look at them. There so cute!'' Mrs. Novak squealed. Bryce smirked, making me roll my eyes. The adults busied themselves, and leaving Bryce and I alone. "Shall we?" He asked, holding out his hand. I glanced around, trying to avoid his gaze. "Fine." I said gritting my teeth and giving him my hand.

As we dance, it seemed like people were watching us, like we were the star couple there. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Meredith and Mrs. Novak talking, squealing at the too of us.

"Ignore them." Bryce said, glancing over my shoulder to watch our moms squeal. The song ended and everyone around us clapped.

"Oh look at the happy couple."


Sorry for not updating quicker! Now that its summer I can write more! So comment and vote! Tell your friends or don't whatever you guys want!

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