Chapter 9: Happily Ever After Part 1

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Hey Y'all so couple of announcements

A) Thank you for all the comments and votes! It means alot!

B) The story is actually coming to a close soon. Not sure how many more chapters but it actually. :(

C) I apologize for being forestalled :(

The next couple of days were a blur, filled with parties and events, dresses piled up in the corner of my room from where I threw them out of anger. It seemed like my life had turned from perfect to horrible in just a short amount of time.

Clarke Chase, daughter of William M. Chase, the girl who had everything she wanted, her life a perfect fairy tale turned to ashes. I didn't know how this could have happened. Its like the glass ball I've been inside was crushed by the wreaking ball that was Meredith.

Bryce and Maeve both tried to keep to their word, trying to help me get out of this situation that was at hand but even the powers of them couldn't help me. I was on house arrest after I pulled a stunt on trying to see Luke and do my own thing. Mrs. Novak had a long talk with me about being a good girl and just doing what my 'mother tells me to do'. I retaliated by saying Meredith wasn't my real mother.

Its hard to imagine Meredith and I are actually related. We are totally different people and yet we came from the same blood line. She gave birth to me, she and my father made me and yet...she is nothing like my father and I. My father is kind, gentle caring and Meredith is cold, selfish and materialistic. Its hard to imagine how my parents even came together.

I stood amongst a sea of guest that Meredith invited over for a small gathering. There had to have been at least 100, maybe even more. Meredith had fluttered excitedly, bragging to anyone about Bryce and I while we had remained stuck together, trying to avoid our parents as much as possible. I didn't see Maeve around and it began to worry me.

Bryce's hand caught mine in his and rubbed his thumb over mine. "Its gonna be ok." I tried to calm the nerves inside me and smiled at him. 

"You two look lovely together." Mrs. Novak gushed as she stared at us. I held in the urge to lunge at her as I forced a smile at her. 

I glanced at the clock and wondered where in god names was Maeve. She should be here by now! 

"Where's Maeve?" I whispered to Bryce as we pretended to be in our own little perfect, lovely dovey world. 

"I don't know. She was suppose to be here five minutes ago." Bryce and I continued to worry as we mingled with the other guest and our parents, who were in ecstasy. My heart was racing in anticipation and I couldn't stop the doubt and worry that had flooded my mind. What if she didn't come in time? What if something happens? What if our plan doesn't work?

A couple of hours went by and there was still a no show of Maeve and both Bryce and I were getting antsy about her return. I began chewing on my fingernail, nerves racking at my body. 

"Ms. Chase. There is someone here for you. They would like to see you in the parlor." A waiter there told me. I nodded and thanked him and dragged Bryce along with me. 

Standing in the parlor, my heart was over filled with joy.


Ok so These is the finale. This is part 1 of it. Part 2 will be soon! not giving anything away!

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