Chapter 6

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Hey y'all got inspiration after watching two hours of youtube videos (I don't know how but I did so go thank those you tubers!) anyway, this came basically out of no where so I don't know what will become of this because I'm writing this intro before I write the chapter o I apologize in advance if it's crappy! Ok here's the chapter!


I whipped aroundso face I'm pretty sure my hair hit Bryce's face full impact. My eyes bulged out of my head like those cartoon characters on Looney Tunes. Couple? Since when were Bryce and I a couple?

Right now I was feeling a bunch of different emotions. Hate, anger, a conflict between who I kill first....ok maybe I'm over reacting. That lady could have been talking about someone else.

I looked back at Bryce who was standing there, hands shoved into his pocket. He looked so casual, unfazed by the comment. Maybe I was right, maybe the women was saying it about some on else.

Before Bryce could speak, I was already half way through the crowed, pushing my way over to the buffet table to grab some water. As I grabbed a cup, a women with short brown hair and courting a black sleek dress approached me.

"So is it true?" The women asked, barely making eye contact with me. I snapped my eyes over to her. "Pardon?"

"You and Mr. Novak? Your mother and his mother were practically bragging to everyone how in love you to are. I wanted to believe it but the look on your face says otherwise." The women explained and I was half ready to scream. I was at a lost at words, I couldn't speak, I couldn't even think straight. Everything was to crazy right now.

Before I could answer I found myself being tugged away. I looked over to see Meredith, her hand gripping my upper arm quite tightly.

"Ow! Your hurting my arm!" I cried but she ignored it, dragging me further into the crowd until we arrived next to the Novaks. Meredith let go and I instinctively rubbed my arm.

"Well now that the cats let out of the bag..." Mrs. Novak seethed, gritting her teeth. "We might as well explain. Come lets talk somewhere more private."

The five of us moved away from the party into the parlor, which was cut off by the big heavy doors. The silence was deafening and my nerves were sent into overdrive. Meredith and the Novaks sat on one couch while Bryce and I occupied the other.

"Well as you probably heard, there have been rumors that you two are a couple." Meredith started, looking between the two of us.

"Ya I would like to know why." I argued, clenching my fist. Mrs. Novak gave me a glare and Bryce grabbed my wrist, squeezing it.

"Clarke, honey, me and Mrs. Novak believed it would be best if you two began to date. The two biggest companies combined by the young love of their teenage kids." Meredith explained and my mouth almost hit the floor.

On what planet does that bullshit even exist?!

"WHAT!?" The both of us jumped up, looking at our parents.

"We just met! Don't you think your rushing this?" Bryce argued first.

"Ya and no offense Bryce, but your not my type!" I screamed at both him and our parents.

"We understand your upset but-" mrs. Novak started but I cut her off.

"Upset? Upset? Forget upset I'm anger! You can't just force two teenager who first off have NOTHING IN COMINE and secondly barely know each other to date! I don't know what kind of bullshit your pulling but I can tell you if this was the reason you wanted custody of me I can guarantee you I'll make you regret it!" I screamed at her, finally blowing my top. I didn't care if I was being dramatic or a bitch or a brat but I was not going to stand her and be told who I can date.

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