A complicated story

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Hey everyone, first of all I just wanted to start by saying that I am NOT a writer. I just love reading, but hopefully this book is good enough. Enjoy.....

I don't really have a reliable title right now for this story, but with your help eventually I can find one.


Before Mel started working at the Young Children's Club, we were inseparable. We went out on dates and had many great moments together. However, since she started working there, we’ve been having issues and many frequent arguments. I have no problem with her helping the kids out, but I'm losing my partner. We don't go out anymore and we barely see each other. I can’t remember the last time I made love to my girlfriend. Whenever I come home, she's fast asleep and when I wake up, she's gone. Neither notes nor phone calls from her, which frustrates me like a son of a gun!

The thing is every time I made plans, it never worked out. She was either too tired or too busy. I don't want to sound selfish or uncaring because I am extremely proud of her wanting to make those children's lives better, but it's tearing us apart.

When I got home from practice early this evening, I was hoping to meet her awake. I did, but not the way I would've expected. I had this picture in my head that I would meet her making one of the best meals she has ever made. Then I would gently grab her slim waist and assist her in anyways (if you know what I mean). Instead, I came home to hear her on the phone with an unknown person. Call me crazy or whatever but she sounded as if she was talking to her lover. "Yes, oh come on babe....you can't seriously mean it?... No he's not home." I dropped my gym bag and walked into the master bedroom. As I walked in, I saw this teenage like person whose legs were kicked up high on the wall, with her left hand in her hair. I stood there for a moment, watching her, remembering those midnight calls back in school. I used to picture her doing the same exact thing while talking to me. I cleared my throat to capture her attention and make my presence known. "Hey, I'll call you back...ok, bye."

She looked up and I saw relief in her eyes. Was it for me or was it for getting off the phone? Slowly, but surely, the smile I've been waiting for appeared. Her whole face glowed with beauty. She walked toward me and hugged me as if that was my first day home in a long time. It felt really good to hold her in my arms.

No words were needed to express our feelings. I looked into her deep brown eyes and slowly lifted her chin. I captured her mouth. Hunger feeling in. I could taste the heat rising and how much she yearned for me. We glided by the bed side together. Our bodies craving for one another. Through it all, I could tell she was exhausted and that made the whole experience a bit lacking.

Melanie's POV

I felt awful with the way Ashuan and I have been going. When he kissed me, I wanted everything to return to normal again. I didn't know how, but I wanted it desperately. I wanted to hold on to him forever, but my body ached. He noticed how tired I was and allowed me to rest.

I woke up feeling better than I had in days. I guess seeing Ashuan was my miracle. I called TYC and requested a day off. I wanted to spend some quality time with my man. As I was preparing breakfast, he walked into the kitchen and grabbed a cup of orange juice. He looked shocked seeing me home. "Aren't you working today?" He kissed me softly on the forehead, "Nope, called off." I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him behind his ears, hoping to persuade him to stay home with me, "I was hoping we could spend the day together," I said in a flirtatious voice while rubbing my index finger along his biceps. I could see he was getting convinced, and then he shook his head. "Man, baby I can't. We have a big day today and I'm already running late." What a disappointment, but at least I now know how he felt. "Well ok, I guess I have to spend the whole day bored and alone." He kissed me and whispered, "I'm sorry, but I promise I'll make it up to you later." "Ok, behave." "Don't I always?" "I love you." "I love you more." We kissed again and he left, without even eating breakfast. 'All that work for nothing.'

I sat down for a while, thinking of ways to spend the rest of my day. I could watch a movie? Or read a book? Or go to the grocery store? I decided to do all three, just to speed up time. I got dressed and drove to DeKalb Farmers Market, one of my favorite grocery centers. Everything was fresh. Just when I was about to get out my car, my keys dropped. I bent down to pick it up, not realizing that someone was in front of me. As I rose back up, I literally bumped into an old friend, DE Jones. It was really nice to see him. We chatted for few minutes and left to go see Underworld: Rise of the Awakening. I wanted to go watch it with Ashuan, but he was "busy."

After watching the movie, we sat for a while and ate some delicious Chinese food. It was really good! Just when we were leaving, I saw the unexpected. Ashuan. What was he doing here? With another woman? He told me he was busy. 'Yea busy getting it.' I kept glancing at them laughing, interlocking hands. "You ok?" DE asked. "Uhmm, yea I'm fine." We got into his black BMW and drove back to DFM.

Arriving home, I heard the TV on. 'Wow, talk about fast drivers.' I dropped the bags of grocery on the granite counter and grabbed a cup of orange juice. While drinking, I thought of how to get him. 'Act normal Mel,' I thought to myself. He came out of the bedroom and held my waist gently kissing me on the neck. 'Damn it, you were just kissing someone else.' "How was your day beautiful?" "It was ok, yours?"

"Boring. Practice was really something else; we kept doing the same routines as always." Liar, I couldn't believe he was lying to me like that. I turned around to look at his lying face. No guilt.

I couldn't sleep. I kept thinking what was going on with him? With us? I got up and looked at him closely. Who wouldn't want a piece of him? He was tall, in fact 6'2. His body was filled with tight muscles. Beautiful complexion. Tight abs. Who could blame her? I wanted to believe that Ashuan would never cheat on me. He never has, so he wouldn't start now, right? I was confused. I shook my head to clear my mind and trust my man. After all, it's part of being committed.

>>>>>>well so far I hope you all are enjoying yourselves. Please feel free to comment on anything that I could change or make better. I will update soon<<<<<<<<<<

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