A lovely morning

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The next day, Midoriya slowly opened his eyes , he noticed they fell asleep in the same position , he grinned and cuddled with the boy , stretching a bit his legs as he shut his eyes again a bit tight and  hugged Katsuki tight , he half opened his eyes and looked up to his sleepy boyfriend , he held his cheek and caressed it, just looking at him as he was sleeping, he slid slowly and gently his fingers on his face , he was so close to him, he watched everything about his beautiful face  his eye lashes , his soft cheeks , his nice formed nose ,his soft pink lips , his toned collar bone , he loved everything about him , everything about his boyfriend , he gently placed his hands on his cheek and gave him a very soft kiss. Midoriya began poking his cheek very softly , poking him again every 2 seconds ,he didn't want him to wake him up after all , he loved how cute his face looked every time he poked his cheek.

Katsuki slept peacefully soundly, his face would often scrunch up slightly after ever poke it wasn't enough to wake him up though. He would pout and mumble, "Fuckin.....Deku..." He nuzzled his face towards the boy and softly snored. Soon Katsuki started to feel the pokes a lot more and slowly opened his eyes fluttering his eyelashes, becoming accustomed to the light. He sleepily looked down to Izuku that was in his arms and blinked lazily. He shifted now awake and put half his weight over the Boy crushing him in a hug and cuddles. Katsuki hummed lowly, he shut his eyes again. "Where you poking me you little shit" he raised his hands and softly pinched those cute freckled cheeks of Izuku's and smiled. He didn't mind when Izuku touched him, in fact he loved it. He nuzzled up to the boy more, "Good morning beautiful" Katsuki snorted almost cringing at his own words. If it made his boyfriend smile then that's all that mattered.

Midoriya grinned , he felt it was too much for him , his boyfriend , being so lovely , Midoriya was the only who was allowed to be treated like that by him , he held his boyfriend's cheeks to give him a  kiss on his cheek , he rubbed their noses and shut his eyes , "good morning handsome.." Midoriya said sliding his thumbs on his cheeks , he felt butterflies in his stomach and he pressed a bit more his body against Bakugou's "you slept well babe?." Midoriya stared to those red rubies eyes .

Katsuki couldn't hold back his wide grin, he felt lucky to have such a blessing as his boyfriend. He sighed softly and shut his eyes along with Izuku, rubbing their noses together gently. He felt like he was in heaven, he chuckled at the 'handsome' part and kissed Izuku's freckles one by one. "I slept great what about you cutie" Katsuki decided to play along, he wanted to make the boy blush, he wanted to tease him, make him smile and laugh. He wanted to see everything from Izuku, it made his
Heart flutter thinking about this.

Midoriya started blushing more , his eyes a bit widned because of the words that left Katsuki's mouth, he began being shy somehow , and he looked down for a bit , trying to hold his blush and hide it , he looked up at his boyfriend again , still blushing "i-im glad you slept well , and I s-slept well ... , S-sexy..." He blushed way more after saying this last words , his face was basically the color red , he couldn't believe himself from saying something like that , he held back his weird Embarrassed noises.

Katsuki's eyes were wide open and he lifted himself a bit more from the boy to focus on him and his red face. "Pff....PFFT AHAHAHAH" Katsuki broke out in a fit of laughs and giggles, tears forming from the laughter. He coughed slightly trying to calm himself down. Katsuki licked his lips and bent down kissing the boy all over, his lips, cheeks, jaw whilst giggling softly. "Deku pff, So you think I'm sexy heh" Katsuki proudly said rummaging his fingers through his spiky ash blond hair. He held Izuku's cute, flushed face in his hands whilst grinning. "You're hella cute nerd" He kissed his nose softly and hummed.

Midoriya pouted and shut his eyes tight in embarrassment when he looked at his boyfriend laugh out loud , when the boy kissed all most all his face , he couldn't stop himself from grinning and giggling , when he heard the boy say about if he thought he was sexy, he looked at how proud he was acting , he blushed more and Midoriya's eyes looked somewhere else , trying to not look at Katsuki's because he was embarrassed , he mumbled , answering what the boy said "o-of course I do think you're sexy. ..." he said. Midoriya felt that soft kiss on his nose and the way hands of his boyfriend on his freckled cheeks , hearing the words that left Bakugou's mouth , made the boy make embarrassed noises and cover his flushed face with his hands.

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