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Bellamy's POV

After the thirty minutes I took off the patch. I notice that my hand burn is almost healed 'cool' I whisper.

Watching Maria heal is strange, each patch of her body is healing at the same rate...slowly. People float from one room to another and I have met many new people. Thor, Captain America, who has told me to call him Steve, The winter soldier who has told me to call him Bucky and The Black widow who has told me to call her Black widow- she intimidates me.

Sitting across from her father I remain in silence.

'Do you know much about Maria?' Tony says, breaking the silence.

'Uh not really... I guess I can say that she talked to me through a computer program for a year, and she also saved my life whilst on the drop ship.' I say whilst coughing every other sentence.

Pepper walks through and hands me a glass of water which I accept.

'Thanks' I say with my hoarse voice.

'She told me and a girl named Clarke about her connection to the avengers and how the stories we would hear when we grew up were mostly true. I believed her fully because of the ship incident but she was not too convinced. She has used her powers to help the building of camp and the delinquents are very accepting of her, even though they don't know her at all.' I continue to talk whilst sipping on the water.

I notice that the skin has almost fully healed and she is  returning to normal colour.

'You will need to leave when she wakes up, she will be incredibly hungry, if you know what I mean and she will have to get her energy back. Due to your hand still healing she will be able to smell the blood and will most likely try to attack you'. Tony says.

I look to him in confusion and say 'Attack me? What do you mean?'

Tony looks at me in recognition of not understanding truly what he means. 'She's part vampire, and so she needs to drink blood regularly to keep her self strong. The blood helps her werewolf and witch side.'

I stared at her in shock and awe. The heart rate monitor starts to beep erratically and she jolts up, black veins circling her eyes, fangs descending from her gums, her eyes fading from a light brown to a bloody red. I fall out of me seat as she sits up. She eyes me over and glances to my wrist.

Tony sits up and moves to face her.

'Bellamy, get out of here!' Tony shouts. I run out the door past Steve and Bucky. The med bay door closes behind me. I watch from the window.

'Cap..bring me the b+ blood bag... hurry' Tony says as Steve bounces in the room, quickly followed by Bucky, who rushes to Tony's side keeping Maria stuck to the bed.

Pepper stands beside me and watches Maria convulse and writhe on the bed.

As Steve cuts the blood bag's top, Maria springs from the bed, pushing off Tony and Bucky. She runs shakily towards the blood bag Steve is still holding in his hand. Maria grabs the bag in a rush and pours the blood over herself. She then tears past him and rummages around the cupboards till she finds the others. She pierces the bag with her fangs as her face contorts in pleasure. She then grabs a couple more bags and sits cautiously in the corner, with the three men standing in front of the door. Blood covering her face, hands and chest she wipes her face, thus spreading the blood further up her face.

After she has finished the forth blood bag she sits back and breathes deeply, her face returning to normal, her fangs disappearing and my head spinning with questions.

Maria's POV

'Oh my god... Bellamy' I breathe out in a panic, looking at his scared expression on the other side of the glass. Bellamy places his hand on the glass partially healed.

I wave my hand over my face and the blood disappears. I look to Steve, Tony and Bucky.

'Thanks Dad' I say walking upto him and hugging him.

'Thanks Uncle Steve, Uncle Buck' I breathe out hugging them both.

The door opens.

'Mom' I say as I hug her. She smooths my hair and keeps me close.

I pull away and look at Bellamy. He stands back a little as I step forward.

'Bellamy are you okay?' I ask him.

'That was insane' Bellamy says to me almost in a whisper.

'I am sorry you had to see that, how is your hand?' I ask.

'My hand is fine... You just absorbed fire! You looked as though you died! I just...This is a lot to think about right now.' Bellamy says hushed as my dad and uncles walk out of the medical room.

'I'm fine Bellamy, I've taken worse injury then that. Thank you for helping them get me, and for staying.' I say smiling to him softly.

'Let's get some food' I say patting his leg and moving slowly into the kitchen. As we walk round Bellamy keeps his head up, looking round, intrigued in everything. I become similar to a tour guide and show him round. As we enter one of the kitchens I am hugged and enveloped by everyone.

'Loki' I gasp as he holds onto me tightly. 'I'm so glad you are alive, Maria' Loki whispers to me in my ear. I hug him tightly and as Loki let's go he eyes up Bellamy.

'Loki- this is Bellamy' I say showing him.

'The boy who agreed to assassinate his leader, pleasure' Loki says with a grin.

'Your acting mischievous' I say whilst raising an eyebrow to him.
'I'm not doing anything' Loki tells me telepathically.

Bellamy puts his glass in the sink and refills his water.

'Peter' I call out as he turns round and hugs me. 'Maria?! You're okay?' Peter says.

'I'm fine just worn out- you know saving 100 kids from being blown up in a metal can and then absorbing the fire of this ship almost exploding? All in a days work Pete' I say smiling.

He pulls me in for a hug and holds onto me by the small of my back. I look into his eyes and know exactly what he wanted to tell me. I smile and nod at him as he keeps me close.

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