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"Where is Louis?" Niall asks walking into the dressing room, buttoning his white shirt.

"The interview starts in three minutes." Liam runs a frustrated hand through his hair shaking his head.

"He should be here." Harry growls from his chair while Lou styles up his hair. She stays silent, sucking in her lower lip keeping herself from saying anything.

"He can't keep doing this." Niall breathes out a sigh while pulling on his jean jacket.

"Two minutes!" The producer yells.

"Louis has missed four interviews in a row, this can't keep continuing." Harry complains. All the boys hum in agreement, a heavy silence fills the room as the boys finish their last touch ups. They all loved Louis, they always have; but knowing you're best mate doesn't want help with his own problems makes them all angry.

Niall leads the boys to the TV set, his hands twitched. Liam couldn't keep from biting his lip and Harry couldn't leave his hair alone. They were all nervous on what the interviewer had to ask. Every interview was the same, starting out by,

"Isn't there four of you?"

"Yes there is but Louis couldn't make it." Liam would explain all too quickly.

"Rumors are that Louis is leaving the band, is this true?"

"No." Niall would then answer, his lips forming a small frown.

"Harry, is it true that you and Louis had a physical fight just a couple of months ago?"

"Absolutely not." Yes they did but this didn't need to be all over the media. All the boys, including Louis had celebrated their sixth year of being in the band by going out to the bar. Like always, Louis ended up getting drunk; Harry couldn't handle it anymore once Louis ran into his shoulder drunkenly off balance. That's when all patience faded away and Harry ended up throwing him to the ground and giving him a punch in the face. Did he regret his actions? Of course he did, did he wish he would have knocked some sense into Louis? Yes.

"Hello welcome to-" The interviewer started. Liam tried wrapping his arms around the boys, joining them in a group hug.

"It'll be okay." Liam assures.

"They're going to ask about him again, what do we say now?" Harry's green eyes widen as he speaks. Niall shakes his head,

"Just answer like we always do." Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Please welcome One Direction!" The crowd roars and the sound of screaming fans echoes through the whole set. Liam sucks in his lower lip and looks behind them hoping to see Louis with his usual playful smile, but his shoulders slump as a wave of disappointment washes over him.

"Let's go lads." Liam says unenthusiastic before leading the boys on the set with a fake smile to present the world.

{ Word Count: 473 }

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