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Waking up to your siblings jumping on your bed was always something that annoyed me. I use to throw every pillow of mine at them or push them off my bed and yell at them, but now a small smile creeps onto my face. I never thought that I would miss being jumped on in the mornings.

"Get up Louis!" Phoebe yells loudly, her voice echoing through my old room. Nothing had changed in here, all the same bands like Green Day and Fleetwood Mac posters were still stuck on the red of my walls.

"Come on Louis, don't be a bum." Daisy giggles pulling the shades from my window allowing the blinding light shine right into my face. I let out a small groan and turn over to my side, hiding my face into the comfortable pillow. Phoebe sits beside me, leaning her arms on my hips.

"You're so lazy Louis."

"No I'm not." I speak truthfully, it wasn't laziness that kept me in bed, it was my depression but they were still too young to know this about their brother. I hear Daisy sigh in frustration before hopping on my bed on the other side of me. Letting out a sigh, I finally open my eyes and turn onto my back, sitting up against the headboard. "You all are too old to wake me up like this."

"No we're not." They both giggle and stand from the bed, allowing me to get up and shrug on a shirt.

"And how old are you?"

"Thirteen." Daisy smirks. I roll my eyes and stand from the bed and push Phoebe back down on the bed, she lets out a laugh and stays on the bed staring up at the ceiling happily.

"No you're not you're twelve, get out of here." I push Daisy out into the hall, Phoebe quickly follows after. Before I shut my door she sticks her tongue out at me, in which I do the same then slam the door close.

Within ten minutes I walk out of the room and down the hall. While I walk down the hall, I'm scrolling through my text messages on my phone, furrowing my eyebrows from all the texts from the boys. I am about to text Liam back when I am shoved into the wall. I glare over at Lottie, who glares back at me but something is different about her glare, it was almost playful.

I shake my head and shove my phone back into my shorts and enter into the dining room where Jean is having a small conversation with Fizzy. They both share a quick laugh before silencing once they see me.

"What are we talking about?" I try to ignore the look Fizzy sends me as I pull out a chair that is on the left of Jean. I look over Jean, her cheeks were a shade of red and she tried everything she could not to look at me. "What did you tell her?" At this Jean bursts out laughing, she covers her mouth and so does Fizzy as she watches Jean. I raise an eyebrow, slightly confused onto what was so funny.

Mum sets down a bowl of breakfast down for me and Jean, I quietly thank her and try to ignore the girls who keep giggling like little school girls. It slightly annoyed me that the girls still haven't answered any of my questions.

"Oh look at Louis, he's fuming!"

"No, I'm just a little annoyed that's all." I mumble while stabbing my eggs. Jean pats my shoulder trying not to laugh again. I move my eyes to my sister who smirks at me with mischief.

"What did you tell her?" I mouth.

"Nothing." Fizzy mouths back and takes a sip from her water. Jean is unaware of the quiet conversation I have with my sister and turns her head towards me to speak.

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