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Getting out of the warm shower, small bumps form upon my naked skin while I wrap a white towel around my waist. My feet leave small puddles of water as I walk up to the bathroom sink. I stare at myself in the mirror longer than anticipated, getting lost in my cold grey-blue eyes.

I've never been happy with the way my eyes had changed over the past year. Who knew sadness could have such an effect on your outer appearance. The dullness of my eyes seemed to get darker every day. Will I ever look into the mirror and have bright blue eyes staring back at me again? I have no answer. I may never get better no matter how much I try.

I trace my jaw with my fingertips, tilting my head to the side slightly. My fingers run over the soft stubble. I had no motivation to shave this morning so I left it. My fingers trace down my neck to my right collar bone, they were more visible than they were last year. I let my hand fall back down to my side, my eyes start to water at the person who stares back at me. The person who stares back at me is no longer me anymore, it frightens me. How can someone change so much in one year?

Droplets of water fall onto my shoulders, gliding down my chest from my damp chestnut hair. I massage my cracked lips. They are sore from how much I have been chewing on them lately due to anxiety. Out of habit, I bite the inside of my cheek while pinching the bridge of my nose. Releasing a sigh, I turn on the sink letting it warm up a bit before splashing warm water upon my face. Drying my face with a hand towel, I open the cabinet and take out my toothbrush.

After brushing my teeth and glancing one more time in the mirror. I walk back out into my bedroom, my feet felt numb from the coldness of the wooden floor. Grabbing my clothes for the day out of the closet, I quickly dress myself trying to gain some type of warmth. Sliding on my boots and lacing them up, I grab my towel and attempt to dry my head better. Leaving my hair scattered in all directions and having it flop into my eyes, I leave the room while throwing the towel into the hamper.

Walking out into the living room I am shocked by the amazing aroma filling my nose. It smelt heavenly and I could hear the sizzling of bacon. I shake my head listening to the sound of Spongebob on the TV once I pass it.

Leaning against the kitchen wall, I cross my arms over my chest staring at Jean who has her back towards me. She flips a pancake and leans onto the counter, staring down at the beautiful golden food upon the pan.

"SpongeBob." I smirk. Jean jumps slightly and turns around glaring at me. I only stare back at her, amused by how easily scared she was. "Really?"

"It was the only thing on." Jean sighs with a playful smile upon her face. I smile cheekily back at her and walk deeper into the kitchen. I sniff the air, it smelled really good to be honest.

"Shouldn't I be the one cooking?"

"Nope." I stand next to her staring at the three pans on the burners. One pan held bacon, the other held the eggs while the last one held a pancake. On the counter next to Jean were a couple more pancakes on a plate. "My cooking is pretty damn good."

"Is it now?" I raise an eyebrow at her, silently teasing her. Jean bumps her hip into mine giving me a side grin before placing the pancake onto the plate.

"In fact it is." Jean fills up two plates full of food and places the pans in the sink. She turns on the water and fills each pan with two drops of soap and warm water. I grab my plate and send her a thankful look before sitting at the small table in the corner of the room.

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