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"Who do we invite?" Harry asks excitedly while rubbing his hands together.

"No one." I groan into my hands in which are covering my face.

"Stop it Louis, why are you even here?"

"This is my apartment!" I argue. Today was my birthday and the boys promised to throw a party for me.

"And this is my middle finger." Harry shows. I roll my eyes with a sigh, falling back into the couch I curl up and hug the small pillow to my chest. "If you roll your eyes enough they just may fall out."

"Good I hope they fall out and kill you when you are sleeping." Closing my eyes I try to relax but it is almost impossible with Harry sitting next to my feet with a clipboard full of different names and numbers.

"How would they-" Harry's sentence is cut off by Liam's laughter as he enters my apartment. I keep my eyes closed hoping desperately that they would leave.

"I see you two are still going at it." Liam's voice echoes through the apartment as he hangs up the phone.

"I don't want to invite anyone, not even my best mates." Harry mocks me. Someone crouches down next to me. I open one eye and quickly close it when I see Liam.

"It's your birthday Louis, you have been doing better and we think you need a celebration."

"Who ever said I was doing better?" I speak lowly. Liam sighs heavily before standing and walking off somewhere.

"This is useless, we are inviting people and you will be happy about it Tomlinson." Harry tries to say seriously but ends up chuckling in between words.

"I just want to sleep all day-"

"And party all night!" Harry suddenly shouts while fist pumping the air. Liam hollers while laughing hysterically at Harry. I didn't need this right now.

"Stop interrupting me Harold."

"Don't say that name."

"I'm going in my room." I sigh tiredly and take the beer Liam had gotten all of us. Walking into my bedroom I slam the door shut before falling against it. Popping off the cap I take a swig before hitting the back of my head against the door rather roughly, I regret it when a sharp pain shoots through my head. Groaning I palm at my head with my left hand, I don't want people to come to the party tonight. They don't understand how much that affects me, being around people. They will all judge me, they will all give me nasty looks, and they will make me wonder why I'm even alive.


"How are you doing Louis?" A random girl with a tight dress sits down next to me on the couch that was pushed up against the wall. I questionably look at her when she accidently spills some of her drink onto the couch, her face lights up in embarrassment.

"Do I know you?" I try not to sound too rude but I wasn't in the mood for this. The blonde smirks at me and rests a hand against my shoulder.

"You don't know me but I know you."

"That's not terrifying at all." I mumble to myself sarcastically. The girl doesn't hear me but she draws her hand away and takes a sip from her cup.

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