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At two in the morning there was a loud knock on my door waking me up from a terrible nightmare. I wipe the sweat from my forehead with the back of my sweaters sleeve. Removing the sheets away from my sticky body, I palm at my eyes ridding the sleep. Closing my eyes I throw my head back, I was so drained both mentally and physically. I almost fall back onto the bed and fall asleep again when another loud knock sounds at my front door.

Standing from my bed I trip over my bed but gain my balance spitting out a few curse words. Opening my bedroom door I drag my feet across the floor, my right hand slowly scratching my scalp and ruffling my messy hair. Gripping the doorknob I don't bother looking through the peep hole, I unlock the door and open.

"Yeah?" I question poking my head out into the hall. My eyes land on the familiar smaller girl with the long black hair and pale green eyes. "Hello Jean." I give her a tired smile.

"I'm sorry for waking you Louis." She nervously fiddles with her fingers. I shake my head and walk out into the hall, shutting my apartment door behind me.

"It's okay, I wasn't sleeping that much." I lie to make her feel better.

"I heard what happened." Jean slowly says making me bite my lip. I only nod and look away from her, I run a hand through my hair. "I came to see if you were okay?"

"It's hard. Niall has been out for three days now. The doctor says they won't wake him up until after New Year's." My eyes start to water slightly. How will I go that long without Niall? Jean watches me curiously, her head cocked to the side slightly. I take in her appearance, she wears a thick wool jacket with a white beanie over top of her head. Jean only wears leggings with little Christmas patters upon them with brown combat boots.

"I'm sorry I left so quickly a couple of weeks ago."

"Oh." I say stupidly.

"I should go, sorry to wake you Louis."

"Yeah, yeah okay." An awkward silence falls upon the both of us, neither of us attempt to move. Jean sucks in her lower lip and avoids eye contact before giving me the brightest fake smile and holding out her hand. I try not to laugh at her but I can't contain the playful smile forming upon my lips, I take her hand willingly and shake hands.

"Well, I'll be off Louis." Jean blushes embarrassingly as she walks past me. I smirk at how shy she was, but my lips turn into a frown when I see her walk further away.

"Will I see you again Jean?" I ask loudly. She gets to the staircase and looks down the hall at me. I watch her shrug with a playful smirk upon her face before disappearing down the stairwell. Walking back into my apartment, I slump against the door with a smile upon my face. Unfamiliar feelings bubble inside of me making me want to laugh.

"What the hell just happened?" I mumble to myself with wide eyes. Confusion starts to fill through my mind making me look at the ground with my eyebrows furrowed. I press my lips into a line in thought. Why did she come back? I look at the clock on my wall in confusion. Why did she come so late at night? All these little questions sparked into my mind only confusing me more.

"I'm too tired for this shit." I flop back onto my bed and instantly fall asleep. Two days from now I would go back to the studio and help finish our next album.

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