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I share a small laugh with the boys who are seated all around me. We are in a rounded booth in which seats up to eight people. The leather of the seat is cold due to the chilly temperature of the building. I sit in the middle of the booth, Niall on my right and Harry on my left. Liam is almost directly in front of me, I can see the look in his eyes he isn't pleased that I agreed to come. The tension between Liam and I has grown incredibly large within a couple of months, it makes me uncomfortable.

I'm carful this time with the amount of beer I consume all at once. This sudden urge attacks my body, wanting to chug down the beer that rests on the table in front of me, but I fight it. Instead of staring longer at the beer I turn my head towards Harry and watch him laugh.

"How about you Louis?" Niall suddenly asks me.


"What's the most embarrassing thing you ever did on stage?" I let out a little chuckle before shaking my head remembering some crazy shit I did on stage.

"My most embarrassing moment on stage would be when I went to throw some water at the fans. I was running to the edge to throw the water bucket when suddenly I slipped on some water and fell right off the stage. I tried grabbing onto Liam to keep from falling but I ended up taking him down with me." Niall couldn't stop laughing, small cackling noises sounded from him making us all chuckle along. "Do you remember that Liam?" I then asked trying my best to ease the tension still in the air between only the two of us.

Liam takes a sip from his beer, an expressionless glint in his eyes as he nods slowly. I try not to take this to heart but it does start to anger me by his mood tonight. The boys had invited me to the bar for once and this is how he treats me; as if I am not in the very room with him? My eyes look away from him and stare back at the half full bottle of whiskey. I watch the small droplet of water slide down the dark glass of the bottle, dipping into the curves, ending when it hits the black marble of the table forming a small puddle.

"I'm glad you decided to come out with us Louis." Niall speaks up staring at me with a hopeful glint in his blue eyes. I knew what he was hopeful for, he was hoping that I was getting help and was able to be normal again. "It means a lot you know?" He finishes while giving a small grin.

I nod slowly, leaning my elbows on the table crossing my arms over each other. Niall nudges my shoulder playfully; I knew what he was doing, which only made me chuckle and nudge him back. The smile on my face soon faltered when Liam scowled at me, what was his problem?

"There is something we need to ask you Louis." Harry speaks up after the talking dies out within ten minutes. I turn my head towards him, his green eyes looked unsure and almost nervous; but the way his jaw was locked in place showed he was serious on what he needed to tell me. My eyes look around nervously at the boys, Niall gives a reassuring look as if to tell me that they were not sending me off to rehab this time. A little bit of relief filled inside of me but the small pit in my stomach grew larger as the boys all shared a couple nods and glances.

"Tomorrow is the interview about the new album coming out next year, it is very important as you know and we really need you to be there for it." Niall explains slowly.

"I don't know-" I start but am soon interrupted by a rough voice.

"What do you mean by I don't know Louis? You have missed signings and meetings, interviews, rehearsals and all this other stuff and all you say is I don't know? We aren't asking you to come Louis, we are telling you to come. There is no choice this time alright?" Liam had caught me off guard for a couple minutes. I stare at him in shock by his outburst, the others were just as shocked giving him glares.

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